back to article Hippies reclaim summer of code

Google, the internet's number-one search and advertising engine, is a 19,000-person multinational that coins in $18bn in annual revenue. The giant is this summer hosting its codefest Google Summer of Code. At the other end of the scale is the little-known Riseup Labs. It, too, is offering a summer of code - Freedom Summer of …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    Damn hippies!

    Cut your hair and get a job!

  2. Robin


    pow() to the people!

  3. Chris G

    Techno hippies

    They sound just as unwashed as all the other hippies. the bit I found most interesting was the phrase `social ownership and democratic control´ having been a bit of a hippy the first time around in the sixties ( yes, I'm an old fart) I thought control of any kind was a bad thing. Let's have a bit more freedom, hippies!

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    So what if google has proprietary algorithms? Ever heard of trade secrets? Fuck sake.

  5. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

    Re: Damn hippies!

    Smoke some fags and play some pool?

  6. Robin

    @Sarah Bee

    Monday mornings at your place sound a lot better than the ones I'm used to! Pretend you never went to school.

  7. ImaGnuber

    Summer of (insert)

    Pfui! No mention of everyone getting naked to the sound of Jimi Hendrix... no lack of talk about 'committees' though.

    Nostalgia ain't what it used to be.

    Every time I hear of a 'summer of love' ripoff I think of unimaginative near-middle-agers trying to come up with something, anything, the twenty-somethings might think is "cool or whatever the word is they use these days".

    Hell it could be grandparents doing it. And yes it was that long ago.

    Move on.

    Can we have an old fogey icon. Oh wait, I guess any of the good/evil corporate heads would cover it.

  8. John PM Chappell

    @ Sarah Bee et al.

    And still you've never get it right? ;¬)

  9. chris
    Thumb Up

    Riseup are punks not hippies

    WTO 1999 is the more apposite Seattle connection here.

    SSL-only access, a "just don't tell us your personal details" privacy policy and sound politics.

    Or Google. "We'll read your messages, but we're not evil, really (TM)".

    Who're you going to trust with with your email?

    Riseup FTW!

  10. John PM Chappell


    I meant "you'll" not "you've", teach me to skip the preview.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    'cause when you lay in bed at night...

    why is so much shoved at IT. No Summer of doctoring, lawyering, writing even.

    How about architecture, or farming.

    I am more interested to know who keeps the patents, and copyrights. Universities try this one on as well, they like to retain copyright over all work done whilst a person is there.

    In the real 'summers of', it was about thought expansion, and free sex, now it is all about affecting future revenues (possibly adversely). This generation are such muppets, the epitome of common people without the rising :) Corporate sponsored anything is all very very sad, should just call it the 'Servants Picnic of Code'.

  12. John PM Chappell

    ...watching 'roaches climb the wall...

    I have firsthand experience of the University policy - kept all my code on a zip disk, told them they could have a copy and use whatever they managed to get by decrypting it (everything else, like assignments, was totally derivative and of no real interest) ;¬)

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