It's all bollocks
The DWP employ well meaning people, they are just a bit thick though, as can be deduced by their hourly rate of pay.
As stated earlier, most Govt. minions, like Job Centre counter officials, have been drafted from the queue on the other side of the counter, at basic wages and the result is as you'd expect.
The rot (13 or otherwise) goes all the way to the top with dickheads like the Prime Minister taking no notice of his advisers, anymore than do minions in the Home Office, or any other "Govt. Office".
I mean the whole lot of 'em are either corrupt or stupid.
The Job Centre wonks lie about your entitlement to Income Support, Benefits Agency Medical Examiners are constantly finding disabled folks who are fit and can work for their benefits, County Councillors are having Double Yellow lines painted and Resident Only Parking signs erected in areas where residents are too poor to own a fucking car, and in Oxford, a shit for brains city executive countermands a policy decision and orders beautiful and loved, city centre trees to be cut down, just because "he" personally didn't like the trees in the scale drawings he saw.
As far as cannabis is concerned, I'm surprised they haven't made it a Capitol Offence, just so's they can get rid of free thinking idiots like me, who, bye the way, also give away music on my web server, you know, music that's not been created by famous or rich people, and I wouldn't ever vote for any of these Social Tinkerers.
How did they get their jobs ?
Get a grip people. If they don't listen to their leaders, why the hell should you ?
PS. I've got a goldfish with more security nowse.
It would never send unencrypted eMail or other fishes data on a CD in the post.