What the hell
was that?
Those of you au fait with my traditional morning ritual will know that I normally rise at 5.43am, dip an Indonesian virgin-thigh-rolled organic sesame seed crunch power bar into a cup of sea urchin and gauva infusion, do fifteen minutes Pilates, ensure my beachside condo is feng shui compliant before parsing the latest …
This all happened while I was on a survival course in the upper Sonoran desert, where the chicken tasted like rattlesnake and the chocolates tasted like crunchy scorpions. All were dusted with, well, dust.
Good for the body and soul, and, needless to say, tres unplugged.
I return to Web 2.0 and Now! This!
I'm heading back to the desert. Maybe something else good will happen.
Can't you people understand that this article is an obvious parody ?
The Blog 0.2 classification, the fact that the "author" has a single article in The Register are already good indications. With a title "like, so, totally dead" which
is making fun of the language habits of americans (don't forget The Register
is british), and the first paragraph full of irrelevant details but indicating the the writer believes in all kind New Age nonsense (as anyone in Europe would expect from
a rich Californian) the parodic character of the piece becomes more affirmed.
Kupi Luwak was featured a month ago in The Register
"London store brews £50-a-poop cat-crap coffee" by Lester Haines.
The last sentence "excuse me, all this excitement has made me quite faint and I need a quick nap" fits the cliché on the laziness of californians (as in The Big Lebowski).
The note:
"Nia Fired is a respected industry analyst who regularly contributes to Cnet."
should reveal the parody. Which industry analyst could write such a shallow piece ?
Fine, you people need it spelled out? Here ya go:
Note that I had to dredge through her (his? its?) collection of inanity to find the correct article. The sacrifices I make for you people...
(Dead vulture, because this parody flopped, and flopped badly.)
I don't have an irrational hatred, just a rational one...
They had an enviable market position and branding and threw it away.
They were first class in services and stagnated.
They have not delivered anything truely amazing in many years.
They did not respond to Google but sat on their laurels and watched their position erode.
They still have the self-centeredness to be smug about themselves.
They piss off their shareholders.
Their future looks set to decline further.
At least getting Borged would be a humane death.
What's to like?
i laughed maybe cause i havn't slept properly in 3 days and am only on my thrid coffee (a double espresso , a cappacino and a sumetra(try one it's not quite the hit hit of an espresso but it is a full mug )) so i'm not quite awake yet. it was a bit pointless though. more play mobile please about all i handle right now it is 9am on friday after all
on irrational hate i hate of all yahoo products apart from yahoo games which lets me play pool against the guys in india :-)
my friends tell me i have an irrational hate of apple this isn't ture at all i like Apple products*
i just hate steve jobs he always comes across a smug git
with the exception of the the mac air which is just a way of saying i have to much money and don't do any real work on a computer (should probable point out i'm a network and systems engineer so like my serial and network ports but most of all my DVD drive) . and the ipod shuffle cause it just's a pointless.
go cause there is no coffee icon
You! Always! Have! Other! Options!
My order of preference for search engines...
1) Google
2) erm... there are other search engines???
3) The guy on my left
4) The chick on my right
5) Someone I met randomly on the street
6) Google
7) Bashing my head against a brick wall
8) A random number generator to generate IP addresses
9) oh yes - i remember that Yahoo thing, I think I used to use it back in the stone age.... does it still exist?
Paris - because even Paris doesn't use Yahoo!
@ Neil Hoskins - a dying art form - never! However good satire has always poked (semi-serious) fun at subjects that we are all talking about, or know something about, not some remote subject on a web site that hardly anyone looks at, knows about or in fact cares about. I don't take this article seriously at all but it's about as funny as a slap across the face with a wet herring. Shame. Looking forward to Playmobil later on though. :-)
It always seems that a portion of The Register readers lack not only a sense of humor(*), but a sense of irony. Or perhaps it's *due* to a sense of irony that they lack a sense of humor(*)?
In any case, it would serve the world better, or at least this community (alright, it would serve _me_ better), if those who actually understand and enjoy these little entr'actes stop trying to explain or even point out the jokey bits. Just sit back, relax, and -- well, enjoy them: irony is a dish best served on the face of those unaware.
(*) Yes, "humor". I'm not really a yank (well, not very really). I learned English from books and PBS shows (ok, ok, Sesame Street played a big part), so my vocabulary is polluted with misplaced zeds and a conspicuous lack of the letter U (though somehow "behaviour" snuck through; perhaps picked up from a PBS documentary featuring British psychologists?).
Having read the original article (linked above) , yes, this is a great parody of Ina Fried. Although IMHO it looks like Ina is a parody - (Still working on anagrams of that name).
Nia, you seem to have the eye and the writing talent, so next week, rather than doing a perfect parody of something that we've never read, do your own take on the news. Your persona of an Oh-so-kewl Meeja trendy blogger is a great idea (A kind of Shelley the Republican for us jaded IT cynics) and I look forward to you coming up with your own spin on the weeks news.
And if it's a parody of something specific, give us a link to the original, that would have helped a lot of the earlier posters.
You get the Paris icon, that's how you know that I liked it.