back to article Jacqui Smith un-downgrades cannabis

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, standing in front of a tired-looking Gordon Brown, told the House of Commons today she would ignore advice from the government's scientific advisors and upgrade the classification of cannabis from C to B. Smith decided to ignore advice from the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs which has …


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  1. Mike Crawshaw

    Why pay attention to the facts?

    When there's a potentially favourable Daily Mail front page at stake?

    The one with the lead weights in please, pass it over to Ms Smith and throw her over the side.

  2. Anonymous Coward

    safe to do now

    now that labour has lost its hold on london and then there is no need to humour the "creative meadia" types or wasters as known by people with propers jobs.

    still if some dead heads or "cool media" types want to smoke themselves silly thats fine.....

    shouldnt the govenrment be doing something about reducing the tax burden on people and reducing the cost of living? far more a meance to society?

    of course, no the people who would have made do until there earnings were cut short by the tax increases may have to resort to selling the stuff to earn their daily bread!

    good jobs we have som amny empty prisons?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    If we ever needed evidence that this goverment has lost touch

    ... this is it.

    PH because she probably knows more about cannabis that Jacqui Smith... and also clearly has a better understanding of scientific advice.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Lethal paraphernalia

    "could curtail the sale and promotion of cannabis paraphernalia"

    Have you visited Amsterdam? Have you bought a postcard, little tin with leaf on it, a glass pipe. Do you think you're a criminal because of it?

    Vote the fookers out.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Curtail sale of paraphanalia???

    Never stopped us when I were a lad... we used to make our own. Anything is possible with a 2 litre bottle and a piece of copper pipe...

    Doesn't matter what they do though, it'll never stop the sale, illegal cultivation, and use of cannabis in the UK. Raising the classification would just put it in the league of harder drugs (cocaine, amphetamines, etc). Lowering the classification just puts it in the same league as alcohol and tobacco, with the same problems (smuggling, black market sales etc).

    And for the IT angle? Well, I'm in IT and I used to smoke it...

  6. Anonymous Coward


    This is the new listening Government*

    *I use the word government in the loosest sense of course

  7. Vernon Lloyd

    Would you believe it!

    Gordon McBoring not listening to other people who actually know what they are talking about. What a turn up for the books......;-) This guy who in name only ('cause God knows isn't an elected one) is the Prime Minister, will soon realise that the vast majority of the occasional 'chill out' smokers are not getting drunk and cauing a public nightmare for others. Are the police going to do anything about no - their hands are full dealing with binge drinkers.

    I await new Government 'League Tables' for the number of people arrested for having posession of a joint. You watch it will become part of the funding critera, just so McBoring can get his way.

    /The Penguin 'cause they could be a better Prime Minister

  8. Jamie

    You got it all wrong

    By reclassifying the drug they can say that they are tough on crime even though being caught with a gun (5 year sentence) results in community services or a slap on the wrist.

    Smoking weed does not make you violent, may make you want to eat more, possibly become an ARTISTE but violent criminal no.

    Honestly what are most of the IT people going to do now while waiting to get to the pub for a pint.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Huge waste of everybody's time.

    I really can't see that this is going to change anything. It certainly won't change the behaviour of the users.

    This whole story would just be a foot-note if there were any actual news happening at the moment.

    Gotta laugh at our new PM though; he's hardly covered himself in glory so far, and describing cannabis as 'lethal' does nothing for my confidence in him.

  10. Dunstan Vavasour

    Of course

    by keeping it illegal, it stops them from taxing it.

  11. Tim

    Whoa maaaannn!

    Sounds like they want to make sure nobody enjoys themselves any more. I am no pot-head (it makes me feel proper sick), but i am pretty sure it's less lethal than drinking and smoking tobacco. I doubt Brown has ever smoked skunk as he seems incapable of enjoying himself anyway. Maybe Jacqui would be better suggesting that Brown and Darling legalise and then tax it. That would have the dour scots bugger rubbing his hands. It would also stop all the illegal activity as most people would want to get it from the shops rather than the local smackhead!

    Smiley face......Aceeeeeed! (sorry, early nineties catching up with me there).

  12. Graham Wood
    Thumb Down

    Current strategy is working...

    ... So quick - change it.

    Can't have a successful strategy, that would destroy our 100% !@%$ up rating!

  13. Joel
    Black Helicopters

    What a missed opportunity....

    They have a scientific study which says that there is no link to the various problems people have been worried about. That would give them a window of opportunity to legalise it and tax it.

    They could disapprove of it, which would allow them to up taxes each budget, and gain another source of revenue.

    They then have a nice stick to beat the home growers with, namely trying to avoid the duty on marijuana. They can control the strength through the licensing, like they do with alcohol. And the Tory press won't be whinging about stealth taxes on dope....

  14. Andrew

    What's wrong with our system?

    Here's the problem:

    "David Davies, Tory shadow Home Secretary, welcomed the decision."

    In a sensible system, the left wing party would oppose this sort of move while the right wing would propose it. Healthy debate would ensue.

    In our current system, nulabour propose it while the cheerleading tories simply say it's a shame we can't string them up on the first suspicion of an offence.

  15. Paul Buxton

    Listen and Learn

    Maybe it was my imagination but in the recent trouncing (I can't think of a better word) that Labour received at the polls I distinctly remember both Gordon Brown and Jacqui Smith stating that they would "listen and learn". Well they're still not listening so what have we learned?

  16. jai

    which is worse?

    where's the greater danger to society?

    a load druggies smoking themselves into a lethargic half-awake state, too paranoid to leave the house?

    or binge-drinking teenagers, getting beer'd up in the evenings, and beating the hell out of each other in the middle of the streets, wrecking property, throwing up their kebab and chips in your front garden as they stager home and walking over parked cars?

    now, which is the easiest for the government to appear to be dealing with?

  17. Ralph B

    ACPO versus WOMAD

    > She also said she was talking to Acpo to see how they could curtail the sale

    > and promotion of cannabis paraphernalia. Presumably this would be aimed at

    > pipes and rolling papers and such, but we would further suggest woolly hats,

    > combat trousers, prog rock albums

    So, now we know what happened to Peter Gabriel's webserver.

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    "Lethal" means it kills you. "More lethal" means nothing at all.

    How did this man get to run the country? Well, he is the obvious choice for a party that decides to ignore it's own advisory committee.

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    But why?

    Given that people taking cannabis know they are breaking the law but do it anyway, why on earth does anyone think the classification will make any difference to it's use? The classification is only an administrative matter for the police, users don't consider the consequences of getting caught.

  20. Michael
    Paris Hilton

    Selling near universities

    So, is this yet another case of the government telling us that the same people who must go to university so that they can exploit their fantastic intellects, are too stupid to make a decision about anything concerning their own health or decide whether or not they want to laugh at squirrels for a few hours?

    Christ, the medical students I know seem to take more drugs than just about anybody else.

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Gordon's listening . . .

    . . to the rising howl of protest at his pig-headed, unimaginative and downright crass leadership! Oh, he's going to 'feel our hurt' alright - in a little under two years if I remember rightly.

  22. PaddyR

    Wow Man

    now you can get 5 years in the pokey for possesion, so for wanting to sit at home giggling you can now cost the taxpayer a bloody fortune, fools.

    think i'll go down a bottle of vodka, club some random numptie with the empty, piss myself, fall over and bust my head open, then its off to casualty for some taxpayer funded treatment and i can even amuse myself verbally and physically abusing the hospital staff, ahh a full evening for many.

    and dont get caught with those mushrooms that grow the length and breadth of the country they'll give you 7 years for that

  23. Mike Fortey
    Paris Hilton

    Some for me!

    Skunk being 'vastly' stronger than normal weed makes it 'lethal', eh?

    It doesn't mean that you just smoke less, then, Mr. Brown?

    I mean; Whiskey is ten times stronger than lager, so by the government's logic, it's 'lethal' because people go out and drink ten pints of it!

    Paris... because even she could follow this basic maths.

  24. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Look I made a bong out of my head!

    Banning paraphernalia is going to have zero effect. The ingredients for a spliff are the same as for a roll your own cigarette. As for bongs/pipes all you need is: drinks bottle, straws & aluminium foil.

    In the words of Dennis Leary - "Smoking pot doesn't lead to other drugs, smoking pot leads to carpentry"

  25. Lickass McClippers
    Black Helicopters

    Fuck it...

    ...pass me the skins, I'm gonna choke another one before my front door gets kicked in and I get dragged off...

  26. Steve
    Thumb Down

    Aggravating circumstances

    "...including selling cannabis near colleges, universities, mental health facilities and prisons..."

    This makes no sense. Primary schools would make sense, but university? Universities and colleges are cannabis' natural environment! Presumably it's so people don't smoke it and then do something stupid like decide to join the Labour party and take up a career in politics like they did.

    Besides, since it turns you into a psychotic killer, mental health facilities and prisons are surely going to be the main market.

    @ AC - safe to do now

    "still if some dead heads or "cool media" types want to smoke themselves silly thats fine....."

    In English, sentences start with capital letters. If your going to cast aspersions about my intelligence and employment, you should have, at the very least, a rudimentary grasp of grammar and punctuation in order to prevent you appearing a pillock.

    I need a Guy Fawkes icon as he had the right idea.

  27. Ash

    What really happened

    "Mr Brown, we've found no stastically significant between higher risk of mental illness and smoking marijuana, in any form. We recommend you don't change the classification from C to B. We are unanimous in this decision."

    "Huh? Oh, sorry... Man, this shit's sweet... Got any Jaffa Cakes? Fuck it... You were saying... Errr... Saying... Weed ain't that bad for you? Or something... Dude go make us all some tea... I'd love some tea right now..."

    "Uhhh, Mr Brown... Your eyes are a little red and you seem lethargic. Do you require medical attention?"

    "Oh, shit man naw, i'm fuckin' sweet... But seriously, can one of you go get some Dorittos? I want the fucking party size bag man... And a chocolate gateau! GET A GATEAU MAN! Awww that would be awesome OH MAN I NEED TO GO TO BED OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT"


    *Next Morning"

    "Good Morning Mr Brown, have you come to a decision regarding the classification of Marijuana?"

    "What? Oh, yeah, sure... Uhhh... I was looking over the research last night... Err... My dog must have eaten my notes... Errr... I'll just make it Class B. It'll look good on crime figures, anyway."

    True story.

    *NB. The characters portrayed in this dialogue are purely fictitious, and any resemblance to any person, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. Hell, if that disclaimer is good enough for Hollywood, it's good enough for me.

  28. Anonymous Coward

    Nanny State

    Being Scottish myself I would like to take this opportunity to distance myself from the antics of Mr.Brown.

    I think any laws that contradict the "no victim, no crime" argument only serves to push us further down the road towards a nanny state and I for one would like to see this Brown Government removed asap before they cause any more damage to this country.

    The very fact that he describes the drug as "lethal" should have alarm bells ringing with his own part never mind anyone else. Bushism anyone?

    Surely legalisation, regulation and education (and many other words ending in "-tion") should be the way forward.


  29. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Can we club 'em?

    They don't listen to the public, they wont listen to the experts, what's left - the voices in their heads?

    Paris, cos I think she deserves a slap as well - humph!

  30. Glyn

    Cannabis causes violence...

    according to the police bod on the radio today, which last week was caused by binge drinking. How come the police can jump on the latest lock-everyone-up-it-saves-time-later bandwagon but still take 2 weeks to turn up after reporting kids chucking rocks at cars off bridges .

  31. John Widger
    Black Helicopters


    How much taxpayers money is wasted on paying these 'government's scientific advisors'. It would not surprise me if said 'advisors' are family members employed to bump up a politician's inadequate pay.

  32. Maliciously Crafted Packet

    Another unenforceable law to be ignored

    They can't even enforce 70 mph speeding limits on motorways which probably results in more deaths than cannabis ever will.

    So if you smoke weed I wouldn't worry, the chances of getting caught are pretty slim. Especially given the amount of over stretched policemen you see about these days.

  33. Matt Siddall

    this makes no sense

    They want to reclassify it because it may harm the user? What happened to freedom?

    I've never actually tried it, and I'm not inclined to, but that doesn't mean that I'm not all in favour of letting other people do whatever the hell they want to as long as the only person it affects is themselves...

    If there had been a spate of killings, where people got high and then went on a murderous spree, then I could maybe see the logic in banning it, but here we have a substance people use for recreation, doesn't cause them to get violent, research indicates that it has no serious health implications, so why the hell do we ban it?

    As others have said, legalising it would open the door to taxation and regulation, which are surely much better ways to deal with this than simple banning it, closing our eyes and hoping it goes away...

  34. luke


    .... quite simply.

    This will do nothing to stop people using the drug; it will only put hippies behind bars ahead of racist/sectarian thugs.

  35. Alistair

    I have a problem with authority

    Thank you Mr Brown you have made dope smoking socially acceptable again.

    Can I have some of what he's having? I can feel a long spell of economic depression coming on and as there are plenty of daytime TV channels these days...


  36. Huw Davies

    The problem with weed...

    Is that is screws your short term memory.

    The other problem with weed is that it screws your short term memory.

    Finally, given the current "credit crunch", in the words of Freewheelin' Franklin:

    "Dope gets you through times of no money better than money gets you through times of no dope"

  37. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    This is the new listing govt more like - holed beneath the waterline and limping towards the next election.

  38. Mark

    Re: Lethal paraphernalia

    My dad is an artist (painter sculptor, photographer, poet). He wanted one of the pipes because it was a beautiful piece of work. He definitely doesn't smoke weed.

    But because of the paraphernalia, he figured all he'd do by buying it was to give it to the customs people.

  39. Mark Summers
    Paris Hilton


    "In English, sentences start with capital letters. If your going to cast aspersions about my intelligence and employment, you should have, at the very least, a rudimentary grasp of grammar and punctuation in order to prevent you appearing a pillock."

    Your appearing a pillock to.

  40. Liam


    @ Steve - :) well said mate - both the guy fawkes comment and the response to AC. many of us here are well paid professionals, not working in 'the arts'. now, if they send us to chokey (not again lol) what is that achieving? costing tax payers money for nothing. to define a crime you must surely have a victim? who is the victim?

    this government MUST go - the problem is who to replace them? the tories? FFS not after last time! lib dems? - bunch of hopeless well meaning idiots - would you trust them to run the country?

    we are screwed - turns out the left wing is as, if not more, right wing as the tories!


    maybe we should all demonstrate - oh, this gov banned that too!

    shall we make our own political party? call it 'no bollocks, we'll listen' and im sure we could win!

    i have a feeling tories will get in next - and since im not upper middle class im fuckered then too! i think either way we are screwed - i have no confidence in anyone from whitehall these days.

    also, here's a good one, did anyone see a program on TV a while ago where they were trying to get PMs to pass a law that an MP lieing would be a criminal offence - i mean lots of other industries you cannot lie so how come politicians can just come out with any old bollocks and never get repremanded. i mean, maybe 2 strikes and out law? it might make them actually care about what shit they spout. obviously the MPs decided that lieing was wrong, every other industry should still get hammered for lieing but politicians shouldnt! hypocrites!

  41. Anonymous Coward


    Isn't it a government's job to protect its people? Not control them or tell them what is sinful and what isn't. We might not have to hear it couched in religious terms but our government is heading to the same messed up places as the Americans. I'm sorry but I don't think I should have to give up rights to battle terrorism and if people want to smoke pot, let them. The other poster was right, whisky is 'lethal' if people drink pints of the stuff but thats perfectly legal.

    If anyone wants to do something about this send me a note at

    Fire because we might have to burn it all down before we can rebuild.

  42. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "selling cannabis near ... prisons..."

    Um.... Near prisons???

    Why is that worse than selling it near an office block, it's not like the lags can just pop out and buy some is it?

    Unless they've got a ladder of course...

  43. This post has been deleted by its author

  44. Ian Hammond
    Jobs Horns

    gotta make you laugh

    Quote "Cannabis use has fallen significantly across all age ranges and this is a testament to the success of the previous ten year Drug Strategy"

    That's because the use of cocaine has increased significantly and no-one likes to smoke pot while on coke :-P

  45. Gareth

    So let me get this straight

    - You have a policy which works perfectly well for ten years.

    - The police like the policy and agree with it.

    - You commission a scientific report which supports the policy (and presumably cost a fair bit).

    But no, bugger all that. Let's go ahead and change it anyway.

    Has Brown never heard the phrase that starts 'If it ain't broke...'?


  46. Tom

    Dear 'The Reg'

    PLEASE! Jacqui smith confused logo, I've asked for it before but she's out stripping even Steve Jobs bashing stories now.

    And Ms Smith, Would you please fuck off and die. I mean that.

    (PS , Just needs a photoshopped dunce hat)

  47. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    There is no democratic recourse.

    Brown knows he'll be out in 2010 and there's nothing you can do to stop him having his way with your mother in the meantime.

  48. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Gateway drug?

    Cannabis is often called a gateway drug. If this re-classification has the intended effect and users start going to prison then it certainly will be. After all, due to the wonderful prison drug testing, cannabis is avoided (it takes far too long to get out of your system) so these cannabis users will likely end up coming out hooked on something far worse.

    Paris - should be obvious!

  49. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @Huw Davies

    Have you got Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers No 6?

  50. Brian Milner
    Thumb Down

    Destroying the legal system and corrupting the police system

    "JACK NICHOLSON: My point of view, while extremely cogent, is unpopular.

    LOS ANGELES TIMES: Which is?

    JACK NICHOLSON: That the repressive nature of the legalities vis-a-vis drugs are destroying the legal system and corrupting the police system.

    LOS ANGELES TIMES: Let's talk about acting for a minute."

  51. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @Mycho - There is no democratic recourse.

    And who would you vote for anyhow?

  52. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    So Skunk is lethal is it?

    Well thats that. I'm sticking with good old alcohol. Never done anyone any harm.

  53. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @Huw Davies

    laughed out loud at that one, the 2 problems with smoking weed.

    But, is it just me that thinks we have an unwritten contract between society (and its elected SERVANTS) and the individual - we get personal freedom and prosecution of those that cause us harm, in return for tax revenue and an undertaking to abide by the law?

    -now erode those personal freedoms in a wholesale manner, not just smoking, outdoor sex, dope, habaeus corpus, mushrooms, loads more - and declare a large proportion of the populace as criminals, fail miserably to prosecute most violent crimes and no wonder you get where we are today.

  54. dervheid

    Short term memory loss...

    appears to be a problem here today people.

    Or didn't anyone bother to check out the earlier story, with reference to the 'violence suppressing' effects of the weed!

    Or is it just the Canadians?

  55. HFoster

    Jesus wept

    Will the last person to leave please turn out the lights.

  56. Anonymous Coward

    Lethal, must be banned...

    OK, lethal drugs in common use :

    Sodium Chloride : deadly in high volumes.

    Oxygen diHydrogenate : Excess consumption causes some sort of osmosis issue as your cells try to osmose through the cell walls. (is osmose a word?)

    Nitrogen : Breathing pure nitrogen for more than a few minutes is deadly.

    All of these are probably lethal in smaller doses than the amount of grass you need to smoke to die.

    Can someone please ask the government to promote these dangerous drugs to class B as well before more people get killed by them.

    Sort of a joke, I really would LOVE to see the government make salt, water or about 80% of the atmosphere illegal.

  57. This post has been deleted by its author

  58. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @What's wrong with our system?

    "David Davies, Tory shadow Home Secretary, welcomed the decision....In a sensible system, the left wing party would oppose this sort of move while the right wing would propose it. Healthy debate would ensue."

    The problem is, the two opposing parties are ACPO and the Scientists. ACPO always demand more powers, more police, less oversight and moreover lobby the press directly, the scientists don't lobby the press.

    So we always get more laws, more CCTV, more police powers, less controls, more arrestable offences, because the politicians go for the positive press angle. The fix for every problem involves more crimes, bigger penalties, etc.

    Even the Tories are frightened of the rozzers, the only thing Cameron has said is he wants Police Chiefs directly electable, a very minor feedback mechanism.

    Here's an example of why making minor offences arrestable is a bad thing. The guy was arrested, taken to the station, strip searched for turning without signalling. Really it was because he argued with the officer about the minor offence, so the officer used a discretionary power to issue a punishment.

    You can never talk back to police now, even when they're wrong, or mistaken, or being dicks. There is no honest communication now to the police.

    UK will end up like the US.

  59. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    In this country you don't vote for the right person, you vote the wrong person out so he has to live as a citizen in the climate he engendered.

    It's like a smack in the mouth with a piece of paper.

  60. Liam
    Black Helicopters

    ffs #2

    gateway drug???

    funny - im sure i smoked tobacco and drank booze before starting weed etc? :) AND come to think of it im sure i ate chocolate before doing all those! (chocolate gives a much weaker effect of cocaine btw)

    and btw - in prison everyone does heroin, as its out the system in 3 days, not 4 weeks+. so sending space cadets to jail will just turn them into smack heads... well done!

    a lot of my mates out of town who struggle to score find themselves drinking more booze, which we all know if fine... oh, i mean taxable :)

  61. Anonymous Coward

    Release date

    Just wondering if there's an official release date for the end of idiotic reefer madness.

    As far as I know, there are no documented cases of pot EVER being lethal, regardless of how much has been ingested.

    I no longer smoke weed, but I support a new, revolutionary policy:

    "How about we just leave people the fu@k alone if they're not harming anyone?"

  62. David Adams

    Government and Science

    This was always going to happen, it's an easy vote winner for a dying party.

    "We're tough on drugs!!" Yeah, wotevva Gord.

    Interesting article in the Observer this weekend about how the Government ignores the Scientific Evidence and makes up their own results.

  63. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    am i honestly bothered?

    suck my LETHAL SKUNK stuffed bong you stupid little woman

  64. amanfromMars Silver badge

    Oh dear .......another fine mess

    Surely the reclassification proposal has yet to be passed by a parliamentary vote, or is it possible for a personal whim to change legislation in a democracy which would disagree with a proposal.

    Can we expect all instances of possession punishment to be the same or will that be a lottery, and therefore one would presume quite unfair/inequitable and illegal under the law, which proposes to treat everybody equally, and is confiscation of stash accompanied by an official receipt identifying the officer responsible or are they free to do as they please with no official record being available to the owner, of who pockets it. That would be a big temptation which would be too great, to far too many, for them to resist .... and it would be naive to think otherwise..... for it is just like pocketing cash, pocketing stash.

    And so much for Gordon's Listen and Learn strategy gay tatters before it has even begun but then they are forced to spin tales in order to hide earlier tales, and what a Panic there'll be whenever a new Admin takes over at No 10 and asks for the Books and Secrets of Office. I wonder if we'll hear tales similar to this doozy .... .... which of course, would be quite unbelievable in this day and age, right, and would give valid reason to suspect criminal activity?

    This page,..... ... about an iconic working class hero we surely all know and who is admired around the world, gives one a better insight into the Government's Fears ..... and its main hosting site is an education too.

    One does wonder why we suffer such a pantomime/comedy of errors and give them the time of day, let alone allow them to feather their nests from the Public Purse and thinking to Lead grown Ups rather than Administer to their Needs.

    They are just not Well enough equipped Intellectually for that Task.

    "Brown knows he'll be out in 2010 and there's nothing you can do to stop him having his way with your mother in the meantime." ... By Mycho Posted Wednesday 7th May 2008 14:14 GMT

    A General Strike and/or Concerted Civil DisObedience to show him the Nation's Displeasure are all Legitimate Avenues in any Society, Democracy or Otherwise so it is very easy to remove the Cuckoo from the Nest, and they would be unable to remain in Office without calling for a Mandate, which by the Way, the country never gave to Brown and his Gang.

  65. D

    it's almost 4:20 and time to roll one up in honour of Jackie Smith

    who sincerely believes that anybody gives a crap how she chooses to classify cannabis.

    Even the police have made it clear that they won't be changing their policies whatever the government do.

    Gordon Brown has demonstrated that he isn't going to let the facts as ascertained by his own advisory committee get in the way of what he regards as a policy that will win him the hearts of the Daily Wail readership.

    Mines the one with the bong hanging out of the pocket.

  66. Steve Kitchen

    Just another scam

    Obviously just another way for them to put even more of our hard-earned money in their pockets (Class C-> Class B = bigger fine = more for MPs to skim) - they certainly can't put us all in prison because the prisons are already full of cannabis users ...

  67. Anonymous Coward

    Gordon can FOAD

    I smoke weed. I'm director of an engineering firm.

    All this 'lethal skunk' nonsense is the most complete and utter bag of bullsh*t I've ever heard- just look out of the window on any friday or saturday night; it's quite clear that out of all the popular recreational drugs in the UK, alcohol causes the most damage to individuals, property and society.

    Drunks fight, smash things up, and if they regularly drink to excess, severely damage their liver.

    Cannabis smokers giggle, watch a little TV, have deep thoughts and eat snacks.

    Ecstacy droppers aquire a taste for sometimes terrible dance music, chew lots of gum and love everyone and everything.

    I know which I would prefer the youth of Britain to NOT do every weekend.

    In any case, as far as I'm concerned the government has absolutely NO authority over what I or anybody else put into or do to our own bodies. If somebody gets a thril from inserting wasps into their rectum, good luck to them. If somebody wants to take huge quantities of coke and tell everyone else within a mile how ace they are, good luck to them. If, however, someone wants to steal and punch people in the face (i.e harm others) then THAT is what the police are there for.

    Before someone on here starts bleating about 'drain on the NHS'- what do we all pay our taxes for in the first place; and why do you not bleat about the 'drain' caused by injuries sustained by participants in extreme sports for example? Just a thought.

  68. Anonymous Coward
    Dead Vulture

    If only stupidity were lethal "too"

    Maybe this way moronic politicians' heads like GB's would implode and stop sending idiotic messages to the people....

  69. Simon
    Thumb Up

    @Liam - The Political party 'no bollocks, we'll listen'

    You've got an MP for York,

  70. Mark

    Churn is the only answer

    And admittedly not a good one. It's the only one we have apart from insurrection (though that's what got us into this mess: if Cromwell had kept his nose clean, we'd be oppressed by Charles or Liz).

    So keep voting OUT mp's. They can do less harm that way and since they never get any power, they can't abuse it.

    Even if it means you vote in Monster Raving Loony Party and then the FSM Appreciation Society Party and so on.

  71. Aaron

    Gordon = Fail again

    Gordon shows once again he shouldn't be in a position of power. I smoke weed on fairly on a regular basis. I work hard for a living and I pay a lot of tax. I don't smoke tobacco or drink alcohol (besides the odd social pint once or twice a month after work). I don't run around committing any real crimes but I do like to have a smoke play some computer games eat junk food and chill out in the privacy of my own home. A lot of the people I work with also do the same thing, purely in their own home on their own time and are some of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet.

    Now me and people like me who work hard keep themselves to themselves, pay taxes and generally just do our own thing are would be considered bigger major criminal's because of a classification change. But what are we doing wrong and who are we harming? if the medical evidence is to be believed no one at all. From my own personal experience of may years of smoking and holding a steady good well paid job, no one at all.

    I would love to see what studies have been done on the rates of cannabis related illness in countries where its legalized and see if theres any impact. Im betting there is none.

    Sure some people who smoke pot will also take stronger and more dangerous stuff. But even if pot never existed they would still do this why? because they want to and the fact its illegal doesn't bother them. The very fact pot is illegal means though that most deals of it can point you in the direction of harder stuff if you want it. Though most pot dealers I know have basically only dealt cover their own cost's of growing so they smoke for free, hardly a wholesale terrorist funding crime ring. Just some guy's with some plants and a couple of bongs.

  72. Anonymous Coward

    It's the drinks lobby !

    The drinks lobby have complained that people are too stoned to get up and go to the bar to buy a round so want to see less cannabis smoked.

    The government second this as they will no longer receive free houses of parliament scotch to get slaughtered on and booze tax is down.

    Government - using YOUR money to tell YOU what to do !

    Now excuse me while I down 10 liters of diamond white cider and proceed to kick the s*&t out of some innocent passer by.

  73. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    Re: @Liam - The Political party 'no bollocks, we'll listen'

    "You've got an MP for York,"

    Ah yes, 'Hugely Boring' Bayley - I for one will be quite sad to see him go, even though he is a brown-nosing, Blairite toady of the worst sort, since his departure will spell the end of political satire in this particular part of God's Own County.

    As for weed? You can keep it - makes me thoroughly sick. I'll stick to caffeine and alcohol, thanks very much.

  74. Ray

    cannabis use declined in the last ten years...?

    "Cannabis use has fallen significantly across all age ranges and this is a testament to the success of the previous ten year Drug Strategy"

    Is this actually true? Seriously? In my experience, usage has gone way, way up since the 90s! In fact, it's become so prevalent the cops don't even arrest anyone for it, now; it's normal to see a dude chugging down the street with a blunt hanging out his maw round my way (Bristol). Mind you, there's a lotta hippies out this way...


    smiley coz... we ciderdelic!

  75. Neil Greatorex
    Paris Hilton

    @ By Mark Summers

    Oh dear, the Grammar Nazi makes himself look like a pillock....

    "Your appearing a pillock to."

    Your = You're

    to = too

    Paris, because I bet she is hot.... on grammar natch :-)

    PS Not all El Reg readers have English as their first language, some slack should be cut.

  76. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    We should stage a 'keep cannabis illegal' rally

    Everyone show up off their heads, wave cans around and if anyone wants an interview do your best Rab C Nesbitt impression Ekschplan'n why cannannannabith is bad n evryby shud drink beer 'nsted.

    Or better yet, pretend so that when you get arrested for Drunk and Disorderly all it takes is one brethalyzer test to get you off.

  77. Tony Gosling

    5 Years in Prison for Smoking !

    Jacqui Smith and half the shadow cabinet have admitted smoking weed at university when it was Class C. Now she has just increased the penalty for users from 2 years to 5 years. Does she really think it would have been better for her or for society if she had been sent to prison for 5 years ? Would catching and imprisoning the 4.5 million people in this country who smoke cannabis each year make the country better ?

    Clearly enforcing the law would be terrible for otherwise innocent people and the country as a whole. The whole idea of imprisoning someone for doing something that might, maybe do them a little harm (but harm no one else) is utterly wrong and counter-productive. What a terrible bunch of politicians we have Brown, Jacqui Smith and David Davis - none of them with the guts and intelligence to do the right thing and legalise.

  78. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    A Large Coke Please

    Goodbye Labour. Don't think I'll be voting for them any time in the next 50 years..

    Next they'll be banning fizzy drinks to save the health of childrens teeth because if we don't act now they won't have any soon.

  79. Anonymous Coward
    Black Helicopters

    I wonder how long till Sun supports Cameron

    I have long predicted this. It is the same as when Margaret Thatcher went out and John Major came in. John Major started doing stuff to make the public hate him as soon as Neil Kinnock was booted out and replaced by John Smith. As soon as an opposition that is liked by the Murdoch papers come in, then the current government starts doing everything in a way that the public hate them. This is all controlled by civil servants.

    As soon as John Smith was leader of the opposition, then I knew that Labour would win the next general election. I now predict that Tories may win the next one, even though I hate them. They are rather smarmy at the moment, just like Tony Blair was when he came on after John Smith died. So, my prediction is that Gordon Brown will do even more things that will make the public hate him.

    Tony Blair had the war in Iraq, but there was no opposition, that is how he stayed in power. As soon as the Liberal Democrats seem to be reliable, the Murdoch papers bring out the news about Charles Kennedy and his drinking problem. Then they notice that many people are sympathetic about him and then that bloke with the "rent boys" is put in as a possible leadership candidate. The Murdoch papers have ammunition to destroy Liberal Democrats and thus Tony Blair can stay in power. Besides, who wanted a slimy Vampire as a Prime Minister (Tories).

    So, be ready for more bad news for Gordon Brown. This is just my own observation. I am remaining anonymous in case the black helicopters land in my garden and I don't mean Prince William.

  80. Paul

    Seriously.... White Lightning

    Yeh, harmless stuff, big bottle of safe right there. Don't forget Lambrini.

    At the end of the day, I think this re-classification will not effect how people smoke the 'evil' weed, and just create more paperwork, wasting more taxpayers money.

    And holy hell...

    I just 4 paragraphs from amanfromMars, not realising it was him!

  81. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton


    The problem we have with the current “Home Secretary” is that she's a woman of limited intellect and petite Bourgeois tastes that desperately needs a) to get stoned and b) needs to meet a nice man who can fuck her brains out.

    And someone should be kind enough to explain being the Home Secretary isn't the same as being a fucking school secretary.

    Paris, because she'd be a damn sight better in public office than this joke.

  82. Beelzeebub


    Can we have a piccy of Ms Smith naked, please?

    On second thoughts, no thanks as I haven't a coat to cover it up.

  83. Rash
    Thumb Down

    Labour no more...

    If this is an example of the new 'listening' government, we need to get them out at the earliest opportunity before they start listening even harder!

    May 3 2008

    Mr Brown accepted that it had been a “bad night” and vowed to “listen and lead”.

    May 7 2008

    Mr Brown says cannabis is to be reclassified as a class B drug - against experts' advice.

  84. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Hang on it's all true

    I just went down the pub and drank three pints of whiskey, I never realised that you had to drink less of a stronger drink. It must be the same with that skink that all dem kidz are smokin'.

  85. Neil Greatorex
    Thumb Up

    @ Greg Fleming - You are so wrong

    "she's a woman of limited intellect"

    Your keyboard must be up the duff, you so clearly meant to type "no", but what came out was "limited". I can only suggest giving it a bloody good clean :-)

  86. Nick

    So no..

    So there'll be no wacky backy for jackie then?

    Mines the smoking jacket made from hemp.

  87. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Lethal - does he mean Durban Poison

    or AK47 - they can kill.

  88. Shabble

    3-0 down with five minutes left...

    Despite a change of manager half way through the season, New Labour is still bound for relegation. Most of the big signings made by the original managerial team (the Iraq war, breaking up the Royal Mail, introducing many PPP and PFI initiatives, hands-off industry regulation strategy) haven't paid off and all those debt problems are starting to catch up with them. Good number twos make rubbish number ones (e.g. Sammy Lee at Bolton), and Brown is no exception - but even Ferguson couldn't have done a Great Escape with this team.

    So, its the final game of the season and New Labour desperately need a win, only they're three down and there's only five minutes left. All the subs (tax and drugs policies on loan from the Tories) are now on, but there's still no sign of a goal... the fans have their heads in their hands, but the neutrals will just be glad to see the back of them.

  89. Anonymous Coward

    Pictures of Jacqui Smith needed now... real or faked...

    Oh for fucks sake - doesn't someone have some pictures of Jacqui Smith enjoying a spliff? She admitted that she smoked it "while young". Surely someone has some pictures (or is willing to admit being friends with her) and can write to her claiming to release the evidence if this becomes law? While that won't disqualify her from election it will surely show her as the hypocritical bitch she is.

  90. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @ Neil Greatorex

    "Your keyboard must be up the duff, you so clearly meant to type "no", but what came out was "limited". I can only suggest giving it a bloody good clean"

    Ah. You're correct. Keyboard was clogged with gunk from my bong.

    I have also tuned back in sufficiently to realise why my other statement won't work either. I saw a photograph of her on the BBC.

    I'd rather spend five years in prison dropping the soap than five seconds face to face with this woman.

  91. Steve Liddle

    bottler brown loses the plot

    So next time he needs to make a decision, he will rely on his church and his belief that skunk is lethal ?

    Been plenty of cases of people trying to kill themselves by eating cannabis, only to be stoned for a few days

    Heavy drug users who use lots of drugs are dangerous, but easier to grab headlines I guess ?

  92. Mr Larrington

    Cannabis causes paranoia

    Every time I smoke a spliff, I start thinking the police want to arrest me.

    Isn't funny how, every time you think a new Home Secretary cannot possibly be any worse than the old one, it suddenly does...

  93. Pete

    Let's hope they don't notice....

    that cannabis seeds are freely and legally available in the UK.

    We should be safe though - identifying a simple and obvious solution is something our government hasn't got much of a track record in.

    And if there's anything 'more lethal' about either skunk or hash, it's the additives like glass, silica and wotnot that have been making their way into the nation's lungs, not the THC.

  94. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Has labour totally lost it ?

    We could build 10 new hospitals just by the savings made by removing all experts from the government payroll and letting new national-socialist labour make all decisions based on their dogma instead of reality.

  95. Anonymous Coward

    @ no bollocks party

    I'm in. Hon. member for Welwyn Hatfield. If that doesn't work we'll have to do something else. As previously mentioned all the main parties are unelectable.

    Fire. Its time to burn this corrupt unworkable system.

    PS Party slogan : Be excellent to one another, and party on dudes

  96. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @AC 15:39

    >> Before someone on here starts bleating about 'drain on the NHS'- what do we all

    >> pay our taxes for in the first place; and why do you not bleat about the 'drain'

    >> caused by injuries sustained by participants in extreme sports for example? Just a

    >> thought.

    You mean extreme sports such as Football, Rugby and Table Tennis* which account for the vast majority of sporting injuries - *I may have exaggerated on the last one.

  97. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    lots of anonymous cowards

    from here on in...

    I call for the banning of all foodstuffs that can be used to curtail munchies... to wit: all chocolates; AND all mind altering substances... to wit: spirits, wines, beers, aspirin, neurophen, paracetamol, laughter and chilis.

    Lets see how clever that narrowminded SOB Smith looks after going on the rag without having access to anything to take the edge off an otherwise hideous day.

  98. steogede

    @Neil Greatorex 17:09

    >> Oh dear, the Grammar Nazi makes himself look like a pillock....


    >> "Your appearing a pillock to."


    >> Your = You're


    >> to = too


    >> Paris, because I bet she is hot.... on grammar natch :-)


    >> PS Not all El Reg readers have English as their first language, some slack should

    >> be cut.

    Neil, surely you mean that his humour should be a little less subtle, take a look at it again (with emphasis added).

    >> "In English, sentences start with capital letters. If *_your_* going to cast aspersions

    >> about my intelligence and employment, you should have, at the very least, a

    >> rudimentary grasp of grammar and punctuation in order to prevent you

    >> *_appearing a pillock_*."


    >> *_Your_* *_appearing a pillock_* to.

  99. Pete

    Anon Coward

    That would be like waving a red flag at a bull......

  100. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Heres a solution

    Basically regardless of the governement there are two groups here one that advocates smoking cannabis comprised of students, the unemployed and those who should know better, the other wants reduce the consumption of cannabis, and they comprise of Middleclass parents,Religous Nuts and DoGooders.

    But the real issue is this; Cannabis by in large is the fifth most consumed drug after tobacco, alchol, sugar and caffiene. It doe however seem to have a very dangerous effect on some of its users wherby they become paranoid schizophrenics who get audible hullicinations and try to jump out of 1st floor windows because the shadow beats is stalking them (thats a true story from my student days). Now I'm not syaing Cannabis is bad for everyone before the "Pot-tards" get all riled, what i am saying is that it DOES cause psychosis in some people perhaps quite a large minorty as i have met a few including an extended family memember who has suffered with it. So clearly Cannabis can and is dangerous in the wrong hands, just in the same way that alcohol is, the only difference being that Alcohol is a depressent rather than a stimulant and vary rarely causes actual psychosis, though can cause random stabbing and bottlings but this is more to do with the built up anger and aggression being released through inhabition with Alcohol as the catalyst rather tan an effect of Alcohol itself.

    So what to do with Cannabis, in the hands of a lot of people it is probably harmless as long as it's used in moderation. The argument that reclassification or more legislation will curb Cannibis use is clearly flawed. The fact that people are doing it regardless of it being Illegal means that the laws are not functioning. So if a sizeable proportion of the population is using it then we should decrimanalise it... but with the four essential caveats that, Cannabis especially in it's most carcinogenic vehicle (the Spliff) IS BAD for your health just as smoking tobacco is, not only is it bad for your physical health but it will also be bad for your mental health in the long term especially if your are a heavy user (2 or more spliffs per day).

    Secondly that cannabis IS ADDICTIVE, you may not think that it's chemically addictive, and the chemical resaerch shows that it isn't as addictive as nicotine, but still has an addiction rating. However Cannabis is socially addictive, if you are part of that crowd your going to do it and your going to do it a lot, it is socially addictive, this is bad in the long term physically, psychologically and socially.

    Thirdly Cannabis should be taxed as healthly as Alcohol and Tabacco in order to pay for the externalities the user transfers to society by his actions. at the same time it should be banned in ALL public places

    Fourth and finally Cannabis production should be mainstreamed and a white market created why by regulated private business like tobacco companies who already have factories and machine tools which could be adapted to producing the product.

    The effect of all that should effictivly reduce cannabis consumption and also sanatizes it as well reduce drug trafficing and illegal production.

    Any questions ?

  101. Anonymous Coward
    Black Helicopters

    My message to GB

    RE: Law and Order

    Given the constant reports on a lack of funds, why the hell does the government waste their time and money to get a report of the impact of Cannabis, only to ignore it because it doesn't back up their draconian beliefs? Someone smoking skunk is very unlikely to go out and become involved in a fight, something that happens every night outside nightclubs with alcohol-intoxicated revellers. Instead of classifying Cannabis as a class-B again, understand your constituents and legalise it, allowing you to tax it. This would be far better, providing a source of income from something that people enjoy, in the same way as you control and tax alcohol and petrol, instead of wasting already-stretched police resources that can be better placed elsewhere dealing with the real crimes where people actually get hurt. FYI, I have never voted for Labour and never will. Every time Labour has been in power, the country has descended into recession and stupour.

    (Black helicopters as I expect to be hunted down after that one!)

  102. Richard Thomas


    "I just [read] 4 paragraphs from amanfromMars, not realising it was him!"

    One of you is obviously stoned...

  103. Britt Johnston

    residue of '68

    Is this the comments page of Private Eye?

  104. Mark Burton

    PM Looks a bit tired? this a reference to a Dr Who Christmas special from a couple of years back?

  105. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Idiotic Hypocrits lost in the woods - No search party sent

    Ah yes the listening government

    What did that Richard head say last week "we have learned that we must listen to the people, and learn from our mistakes"

    Yep they have listened the country, they have listened to the Police, to the courts, to their expert advisor's. Considered the will of Parliament!!!

    And then just said "bugger it, the editor of the Daily Mail has been giving us a hard time lately so we'll ignore what the people want"

    When 20% of the population 'admit' to having smoked dope at some time in their lives. Including me, most of my friends, Jacqui Smith, Alistair Darling and half the cabinet (obvious evidence of brain damage in the latter). And 8 former members of the Conservative front bench. A couple of years ago Cocaine was detected in every rest and common room in the Houses of Parliament, must have blown in through an open window.

    For many the only legit way to offset the pains from Motor Neuron Disease, MS and numerous other nerve centre injuries was to grow their own from seed, now they could be looking at 5yrs.

    Can they just go, go now, just go annoy someone else, like the French (or the Dutch now that would be a laugh).

    Paris: she has a clue and more wit

  106. Martin

    AC reply to AC

    "You mean extreme sports such as Football, Rugby and Table Tennis* which account for the vast majority of sporting injuries - *I may have exaggerated on the last one."

    Those all sound rather extreme to me!

  107. Anonymous Coward


    It rather looks, as usual, as if most of the posters are somewhat partial in their views and none have bothered to consider what the famous report of the AMCD actually said, nor even read a serious summary. I have searched for the report, without success. On the other hand, I did find this (in a serious article somewhat against Brown et alia):

    "The council has judged that it is not as harmful as Class A and Class B drugs, such as heroin or crack, even though there is growing evidence that cannabis use could lead to, or worsen, schizophrenia."

    One of my daughters got rather fond of cannabis. it may be unconnected, but she ended up with severe psychosis, in hospital for the greater part of a year and is now permanently under treatment (though, thankfully, she went back and got a degree and is starting a MA). Every, and I mean EVERY, psycihiatric nurse etc. whom I met (rather a lot in two hospitals as well as district nurse) was in no doubt of the link between cannabis and psychosis, whatever you may want to believe. I was told that, among young people, cannabis + lager = extreme danger and full psychiatric wards. Even my daughter, once back in the land of the living, started worrying about university friends who were just unable to cope with cannabis and their courses (bright people, formerly motivated, happy people). I live in Switzerland, that took a rather relaxed attitude in most cantons. The effects have become of serious concern in schools. Actually, in England too, schools at which my three children were pupils seemed to be in no doubt of their ability to spot the consumers and of the problems it caused.

    So, for those who are so confident in their beliefs, open YOUR eyes to uncomfortable matters. No doubt you also run across busy roads and say it is perfectly safe because you had no accidents.

    Oh, I am no Brown/labour supporter; but that does not make him stupid. Perhaps he IS listening to the voters, just not only the ones holding your opinions.

  108. Anonymous Coward

    @Aggravating circumstances By Steve

    ...I dont think you have noticed that is forums are a medium for informal chat and discussion.

    Calling someone a pillock because there dislexic is very remiss and maybe you need to reflect upon the type of nasty person

    would you criticise a diabled person for not bing able to walk down the street in a traight line, or to critise a non english speaker for thier funny accents?

    ...maybe you should smoke a refeer your self and put some pink floyd on your Ipod.... maybe you would be less judmental on others!

  109. Anonymous Coward

    @AC (reality)

    Finally! Well done for speaking up - I have trawled through these 100 or so posts looking for some maturity and common sense and it took until your post to find any.

    The persistent use of cannabis has a detrimental effect on memory, mental stability AND concentration.

    I certainly don't want to be treated by a medic who smokes weed all the time, or to be on a train/bus driven by a long term cannabis user who cannot even concentrate long enough to complete a sentence because in my opinion, that could be LETHAL.

    I had a few J's and cakes 2 weeks ago and the following day I remembered why I kicked it in the first place; I was in a foul mood and could not focus properly at all, but luckily I wasn't driving or putting anyone else's life at risk; can't say the same about everyone else, can we?

    I too am a Brown/Labour HATER - I DIDNT VOTE THEM IN, but maybe this time the govt are listening to people with experience in this matter. I can only hope.

    Mine's the flame-proof one.

  110. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    AC's Reality

    I totally agree with this position, and i know someone exactly the same position as your daughter pretty much. So this isn;t isolated and it is of serious concern i think the answer is to legalise and control if we can stop the illegal supply of it anyways .

  111. Pete

    legalise it

    then people wouldn't smoke the stuff that makes you ill. It isn't just the strain that alters the effects, it is the way it is grown, cured and processed, and the proportions of the active chemicals.

    Having clean, well-labelled weed, and a choice from mild to strong would help.

    Banning all weed is like banning shandy because people go blind and die drinking moonshine.

  112. Anonymous Coward

    @ Kirk Bannister

    Did you really just classify sugar as a drug? Or am I hallucinating? Must be those two spoonfuls I had in that cup of tea...

  113. Anonymous Coward
    Black Helicopters

    @AC (13:20)

    Right, so because weed affects you in that way, it obviously does the same to everyone else. Exactly the same way that peanuts, and pollen, and cat hairs affect everyone the same way.

    This morning I was in an iffy mood, and couldn't focus at all, due to the stinking hangover from drinking that lovely, legal, beer last night.

    As for "maybe this time the govt are listening to people with experience in this matter. I can only hope."

    I would invite you to re-read the actual story, in particular the bit where it says:

    "**Smith decided to ignore advice from the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs** which has studied links, or the lack of them, between mental illness and cannabis use since 2007. The group of 23 scientists decided there was no such link in its report delivered to the Home Office last week."

    You see the bit I've emphasised with the double asterisks, where it says that the Home Secretary is ignoring the report the government have spent our money on?

    Yeah, maybe this time the govt ARE listening to the people with experience in this matter. NOT. Remember, for every bad experience story, there will be hundreds, if not thousands, of good time stories which remain untold.

    Black helicopters because I'm rapidly thinking that the government need reminding that they are there to serve us and protect us, not to lord it over us being our masters, so they'll be coming for me any day now ;-)

  114. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @ Mat Stace

    "Right, so because weed affects you in that way, it obviously does the same to everyone else. Exactly the same way that peanuts, and pollen, and cat hairs affect everyone the same way."

    So we just have to take that gamble do we?

  115. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Yeah it's a chemical, and yes it does change or alter your state of conciousness, so yep :) And if any of you have seen a school full of kids after the Krispy Kreme Man turns up, you'd realise that sugar is the real mind killer here ;)

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