More Detail Please ..... Who's Preparing the Plan ... Names Please .... .
.... and for how much?
"In his first speech as minister for digital inclusion, Paul Murphy MP said: "We are going to be working very hard between now and the summer recess to see if we can come out with government plan which all of us can related to."" .
Hmmm? Is that a typo, El Reg, or accurate verbatim? MPs and Ministers are such slippery customers, it is always as well to get right to the heart of everything they say to find out HOW they are going to do what they say. Invariably they themselves have the slightest clue and are merely passing the buck to others ....who sadly also haven't a baldy notion about Good Governance either.
Are we to interpret it as a government plan which all of can relate to, suggesting a government plan in digital matters [a bit like getting foreign immigrant cockle pickers to defuse a ticking bomb] or a government plan which we can be related to digitally, which would suggest a Third Party Plan, hopefully prepared by experts in the Field.
Anything less will most surely be a resounding failure and a complete and utter waste of funding, not that that is of any consideration in virtual matters of course, nor apparent in "real life" either given the ease with which billions are lost/mislaid/spirited away and simply replaced with a nod and a wink between dodgy friends and wannabe Kings.