What's really going on...
...seems to be that oil is peaking, or close to it, globally.
Coal was killed in this country years ago, for a combination of political and personal reasons (deadly mix that... ask King Arfur...) - and if it is used it's either outstandingly dirty or outstandingly expensive.
Gas, we had it, we used it, the income was used to create the illusion of wealth in the 80's. Now we get it from the Ivans, but it's got to be on the way out too - hopefully before whoever's really in charge there gets too addicted to using it as an economic weapon.
Global warming? You think the energy companies/governments don't have a good idea of proven reserves/likely reserves/current production v consumption/projected production v future consumption?
Of course they do!
Global warming is merely a handy way of convincing the great unwashed to reduce consumption while stretching the remaining hydrocarbon reserves as long as possible - at the highest possible price.
And governments latch on with 'green taxes'.
Meanwhile, nuclear reactors are being shut down and not replaced...
Treehuggers promote (sort of - think of the birds...) windmills on sticks that are not a serious 'solution'
A man called Robert W. Bussard developed one of the most plausible fusion generators before he died two years ago - at a tiny fraction of the expense of the current fusion research projects - and it's being ignored (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1996321846673788606) -worth viewing if only to hear the man suggest to a Google employee that he search the web for a recently published paper....
AND - people are going to starve in various parts of the third world, in part because the idiot treehuggers told us to take land out of food production and use it to produce 'carbon friendly' bio fuel to run our cars!
The fact is that hydrocarbons are running out.
The fact is that the temperature of planet earth varies, and always has from historical records, over times.
The fact is that the variations and their adjustment occur because of the operation of 'built in' feedback control mechanisms which deal, albeit slowly, with more massive events than any mankind can/could ever initiate.
The fact is, that, as usual, the opportunists have jumped onto the latest bandwagon to wobble into view and are, as usual, exploiting it, at the great unwashed's expense, to the hilt...
The fact is that rather than burning valuable organic chemicals to produce energy, we should be using them for other purposes and forging ahead with fission power stations, which work, and developing promising fusion techniques, rather than throwing the money into money sinks that aren't going anywhere...
But what do *I* know... Bah! A Plague on ALL of you!
Wait though. That's probably next.