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Land of the free - and stoopid!
America has given us some of the best things in the world, and this is one of 'em. Priceless.
I wonder what he would have done if they cashed it? stuffed all $360 Billion dollars in his saggy pants?
Forth Worth police earlier this week slapped the cuffs on a 21-year-old music biz wannabe who decided the best way to raise some venture capital was to cash a dodgy cheque for $360bn, NBC 5 reports. Charles Ray Fuller Charles Ray Fuller (pictured), of Crowley, made his move at a branch of Chase Bank with said cheque made out …
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Shurely? It's the only way I can get my head round stupidity that egregious. But to be packing heat and have your stash on you? I suppose it validates his gangsta rep. Maybe he was trying to rob the place, but decided not to and couldn't just say to the teller, "Um, sorry, I forgot my..." and bolt.
The shell game with the US oil dollars (rumoured to be the cause of the Iraq war as Saddam started to play with Euros instead) has been once explained as passing uncovered cheques around by everyone as payment until someone in the chain actually tries to cash one.
In that context, the amount wasn't that unreasonable, it was only against the wrong name :-).
There was a similar case in Nigeria a few years back where a guy got overly abitious forging a payroll cheque.
3 more zeroes = nice little forgery
9 more zeroes = guaranteed jailtime
@M Brown: the UK billion is 3 more zeroes although UK bureaucratese switched to the American version in the 70s, which is a shame as US 1000 trillion was called a billiard.
you're mistaken.
US billion is 10^^9 UK billion was 10^^12 - but the US billion has prevailed, we need a common name for 10^9. the Trillion is therefore 10^12, beyond that there are quadrillions and quintillions, but they're only for wide-eyed americans, anything not to do with money should use standard form after it gets into the billions.
Regardless of the "Official" definition, I (I'm in the UK) have ALWAYS used 1,000,000,000 as "One Billion". I always thought the US Billion was 100,000,000. Add three zeros to "my" billion to get one trillion and so on. That's the way I was taught as a kid and that's what I've always used. I've never even HEARD of a billion being one million millions - it's always been one thousand millions.
...on seeing the amount, most likely the writing squeezed into the lines on the cheque, did the bank even think about calling some one? Due dilligence has its place but so does common sense. One look at the amount should have been enough for them to tell him to get lost, surely?
you state that the UK Billion is one thousand million, and that the US is different at one hundred million. This is clearly wrong, you have heard the US talking about a hundred million many times. no matter how young you are! However it is correct that The US Billion is different to the original UK Billion but both now use the US version (one Thousand Million. - Changed in 1970's)
the UK billion was one million million in the same way a million is a thousand thousands. The UK Trillion was a billion billions. simple sytem, just flawed that a thousand is not a hundred hundreds! consequently the US powers system was adopted 10^3(thousand) 10^6(million) 10^9(billion) 10^12(trillion) etc
(obviously including 10^0(ones) 10^1(tens) 10^2(hundreds))
"This is still used in the rest of Europe, but they too are relenting and allowing American culture to wash their own away."
In which countries is this happening? In Dutch, a "miljard" is 10^9 and there is no sign of this changing. When we speak English, we translate "miljard" as "billion".
This is one occassion the septic tanks have got it right - 1 billion is 1,000,000,000, or one thousand million. It simply makes sense to have a word to describe those extra 3 zeros after a million. The "UK billion" isn't useful and makes little sense, I'd be quite happy for it to be forgotten about. "Smithers, the amnesia ray!" The only people who seem to bring it up are those who rarely use the number. In the derivatives world billions are quite common and noone ever stops to question the number of zeros!
i still dont know to this day why texas produces so many idiots...
is it because of the water ? something in the air? or is it because its part of us bible belt?
major proof of idiot production is with bush family and to this date i thought they had monoply so far...but this one really is an amazing find...
can any one check if he is bush related?
Stealing and forging checks is good for an upcoming record exec, it shows initiative. Starting off your company with $360 billion is smart because it tells outside investors you take risk-assesment very seriously from a fiduciary perspective. Stealing from your girl's family is also a smart move, because in all likelihood WHEN you hit big you won't want to be with the same girl all the time, so he freed himself up there rather nicely. But having a gun in a bank and not robbing it . . . I thought we were out to get street cred. What gives? Everyone knows you've got to use the $360 billion dollar check as a diversion and take hostages into the vault. There you can use a handheld recorder, and record your soon to be hit "My stupid ass is gonna be in prison, fool" featuring Jay-Z, taking advantage of the vaults great acoustics and the naturalistic screams of fear as you fire your glock. Shame too, he was headed down such a good path.
Mine's the one with the check, the gun, and the dope.
I wonder if I could write a check for $1bn (US billion, 10^9 and all that) drawn on MY account and then deposit it into my checking account. The funds from the deposit would be used to cover the deposit...
After several of these very nice deposits, my standing with the bank should be high enough that I could get that nice shiny electric toaster when I opened up another checking account.
Paris - Because she has probably already tried this.
Obviously trying to cash a check for 36 pence would raise suspicion. I mean who writes a check for such a ridiculously low amount of money?
But I suppose US dollars are still worth something in that country, so let's look at this another way. The bank actually phoned the account holder to find out if it was ok for them to cash the check? So if she'd said, 'yeah no problem, I wrote the check' they'd have given him the money?
Ok.. where is this bank? I'm going to cash a check for $400 billion.
As much as it pains me to say this, Bush isn't from Texas. He's yanky northeasterner from Connecticut, I believe. Bush Sir. took his family to Texas, apparently to get away from his father.
As I am also a northeasterner, I consider the fact that the Bush family hails from this region of the States a deep and lingering shame.
"I keep telling you: The IQ of the USA is constant."
Speaking as an ashamed citizen of the USA, I think that period was typed prematurely. Surely what you really meant to say was 'I keep telling you: The IQ of the USA is constantly declining.' Interestingly, it seemed to have started happening right around the time we started pumping our classrooms full of computers.
What we need is a copy of the actual check to make sure all of this is proper and all that. Then we will know if the amount was properly announced to the public.
Of course, why don't we just use SI pre/suffixes?
Then it would be 360 Gigadollars. Me, I prefer the more obvious "$360E+9" which everyone knows is the same thing.
Ob. Carl Sagan: Billions and Billions.
"heh, only reason he only had a small amount of weed on him must be because he smoked the rest of it before going into the bank to cash a cheque for $360Bn"
I'll say! From the look of that pic, he's totally fucking WASTED!
Makes "Jim" from the series "Taxi" look positively compos mentis, doesn't he.
As an ashamed Texan ...
I have lived in Texas and Utah, and I think this stupidity thing has something to do with the bible/religious belt. Because as astonishing as this may sound, Utah seems to be worse off.
Call it 'Dumb and Dumber' .. which BTW has to be one of the worst movies ever released .. even for Hollywierd.
I feel like a stranded ET... in my homeland :(
Well they say texas has the biggest. "You name it"
and it seems. In Texas we even have the USA maybe the world's biggest idiot's...
And they all want to be the biggest ever:
This guy fails to fool a bank into cashing Americas biggest dud check.
Another fails fool the people: That he is not the biggest dud president
Well it is Texas
So I guess we do have the biggest idiots. Too..Yep Were busted!.
Whilst the UK chose the Long form for the the bulk of the 19th & 20th centuries; apparently since 1974 we changed our mind... although I know I was still taught long form up into 1995...
Anywho... it's all the bloody Frenchies fault... and now with global trading, it doesn't matter anymore... everyone uses the short scale :|
Got to say this, but as I was taught, it goes something like this;
10 - ten
100 - hundred
1000 - thousand
10,000- ten thousand
100,000 - hundred thousand
1,000,000 - million
10,000,000 - ten million
100,000,000 - hundred million
1,000,000,000 - thousand million
10,000,000,000 - ten thousand million
100,000,000,000 - hundred thousand million
1,000,000,000,000 - billion
10.000,000,000,000 - ten billion
etc. It's all to do with language, and the use of words to describe numbers.
We had a store clerk here cash a $200.00 bill. The bill had George W. Bush's picture on it. Someone passed it to her for a $2.00 item, and was given the change. We don't have such a bill, of course.
Another person was nearly arrested for trying to pass a legitimate $2.00 bill, which is legal currency here. The clerk thought there was no such thing.
Our education system isn't altogether effective, I'd say.