BetaTesting/Polling General Relativity Perceptions
And does the UK have an Independent Stealth, Master/Clone Operation of the Skunk Works/Area 51 Business model or does one need to be Invented and/or its Clandestine Boffinry revealed, albeit with only as much as would be thought Prudent?
The Popular View, is of course, that all the useful Tech has gone Westward in search of the mighty dollar, but that has only effectively cleared the decks of its less than committed to Blithe Blighty Values, and therefore Compromised and Compromising Stock...... for the $Dollar Plight and Inevitable Collapse has been a Long Time Seen because of its Reckless Self-Centred Endangerment
To have all answers positing that such is so, would be a Remarkable Achievement Verified and Allow for the Deployment of ITs Next Generations of UK Full Monty Stealth Defence through IP Attack Protocols.