How dare they!
Just who do the BBC think they are? I mean, come on... if they're just going to cave in and provide their customers with a product & services that are simple to use, cross platform and just work... well, we might *all* have to do so!
Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to back to try installing the Sky Anytime software on my Macs... I'm sure it's something I'm doing wrong... let me see the checklist ...
pay £160 quid for my highly unreliable and functionally crippled DVR - *actually, not checked, gawd bless my Tivo*
pay £60 for some useless third-party contractor in a sky van who'll fail to turn up at my house when they said he would... several times... - *see above*
choose a wide selection of channels I don't want but must take because of the stupid bundling - check
pay £45 per month subscription via direct debit - check
watch while the murdoch's laugh all the way to the banks - check
Paris because: well, everyone else does it.