@ it's the MOD f*ckwits
alistair millington,
If one has a NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Weapons System for Sale, which MOD f*ckwit decides whether they are going to buy into IT.
Who has to be able to Understand ITs Simply Complex Sensitive IntelAIgent Design and Virtual SuperSubAtomic Trigger Mechanism/Program Algorithms.
Surely one doesn't post to some junior duty desk officer here... https://www.mi5.gov.uk/output/Page539.html?subject=Reporting%20suspected%20threats ..... which appears to be the only electronic communications facility provided, with everything else by traditional snail-mail to be lost at their convenience.
Hmmm, probably sending sensitive new information, electronically, is too dodgy with every man and his dog listening and looking in through Windows which makes you wonder at the facility being provided in the first place. Fancy Windows dressing probably.... a Spooky Bluff.
Does Blighty have anything which comes close to DARPA ... http://www.darpa.mil/MTO/index.html .... or do dinosaurs walk the halls of the MOD?
Frankly, why would anyone go to anyone who has to go, cap in hand and ask for flash cash/rotten money/morally questionable, socially hazardous investment funding from a committee which is a sub-committee of a Department which is Responsible and Accountable to another ............. which has to see ........ and with none of them having a Need to Know . No wonder the Private Sector screws them Right Royally. At Least they know that all you do is throw Lots of Money at IT Quickly or IT walks away towards the Rising Sun rather bedding in for some Hot Action with the Setting Sun.
And with all of them living in a little world of Death and Destruction, All of their own Making. Are they all Certifiable?
And the black chopper because they're a right macho toy for the boys which would turn any hot babe right off. So now we sort of all know who they're gonna attract, and it aint Paris and her mates.
IT's a funny old World ..... with lots of Worlds .... and all doing their Own Thing. Time for IT to Change it with IT with CyberIntelAIgent Space Command and Control of Thought with Words that See and Hear your Future Needs and Provide ITs Feeds.
Or would anyone Care to Disagree and Offer a Beta Alternative? We are all bound to Listen, for it would be well worth Listening to.