The plaintiff is an idiot who doesn't know what "default" means.*
The complaint says that the idiot filled in a box labelled "default CPC bid" but left blank the box labelled "content CPC bid (optional)". (Para 12 in the complaint). Well duh, that makes your "content CPC bid" the same as your "default CPC bid".
And his lawyers are a bunch of incompetent ambulance-chasers who can't even get the defendants name right. (Para 7 says "Network Solutions" instead of Google"). A class action for more than $5m? (Para 9). In their dreams. (US lawyers typically get around a third of the recovery; so they're dreaming of getting $1-2m for filing this garbage lawsuit)
(Oh, and someone missed page 2 when they scanned the complaint? From the fax headers it looks like page 2 was faxed to the court, but it's missing in the PDF).
* From http://www.answers.com/default&r=67: "default" means "The current setting or action taken by hardware or software if the user has not specified otherwise."