It's true!
I swear it was really larger than this, Paris... must have been shrunk by a sorcerer...
Police in the Democratic Republic of Congo earlier this week cuffed for their own protection 13 "suspected sorcerers accused of using black magic to steal or shrink men's penises", Reuters reports. The arrests come after a "wave of panic" swept the capital Kinshasa last week, provoked by rumours that the unwary might be …
"During September 2003, mass hysteria spread through Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, which was ultimately quelled by police intervention and statements made by the health minister. The panic was caused by rumors of foreigners roaming the city and shaking men's hands, making their penises disappear. The rumors were spread rapidly by text messages on cellular phones..."
(See: http://www.memri.org/bin/latestnews.cgi?ID=SD59303)
I think this proves my theory that a huge percentage of the population of the planet are completely insane or just plain stupid. It's belief in magic or religion or some other cult which drives me to despair for humanity, people are far too willing to accept that kind of garbage as a reality without any facts or even evidence.
Paris because she's clearly more intelligent than a vast portion of the human race.
There is another variation on this in other parts of Africa that I've read about -
Female Circumcision is still practiced in parts of Africa. Its not unknown for uncircumcised women to be accused of witchcraft by circumcised neighbours - who fear that the 'intact' woman is a threat, and might seduce their husbands.
Unfortunately just an accusation of witchcraft in these places can mean being hunted down by a mob and burned alive in petrol-filled car tyres, or being held down and circumcised.
I'm with the previous poster - a lot of the human race are simply loopy.
I wonder whats the African equivalent of Mescalin (blatant 'fear and loathing in las vegas' reference for the uninitiated). Clearly these guys are on *something*...
I believe this is called koro (or kuro) and had it's origins in China (I think) a few thousand years ago at least. The irrational belief that your todger is shrinking, withdrawing into the body or has been stolen. It provides many snigger filled hours of fun for Psychology students, social scientists, gender studies lecturers and news organisations with space to fill.
Ever thought that it might be useful to BLAME someone else for any "lack" in the department under discussion?
"I used to have a 15" weenie, some sorcerer stole it, now it's only 3"!"
What we should be doing is forwarding all those "enlargement" e-mails we constantly get onward to them, and let them solve their problem that way.
Unfortunately, the belief and practice of witchcraft in many parts of Africa, not just Nigeria and Congo, is widespread throughout the different levels of society. It's not just the ignorant uneducated poor. Witchcraft is everywhere, including the congregations of the major religions as well as professional and government organisations. It's not about intelligence, it's to do with tradition and society. We have Mystic Meg, Russel Grant and that guy from Most Haunted. They have willie-shrivelling sorcerers.
If someone is ill or dies, then the witch doctor can be consulted to find out who cast the evil spell, so they can be hunted down or be counter-spelled. Therefore, you are nice to the witchdoctor, because he or she could get you killed or beaten up.
In certain areas of Nigeria, the number of children who have been initiated into witchcraft and magic and who (believe they) practice things like out of body travel is bordering on the majority.
It's not just Africa, nasty things can happen in the remote mountinous places of Northern India and in deepest Norfolk.
You may believe witchcraft and the occult is nonsense, real or something to do with self induced or drug induced hysteria. But even the most ardent unbeliever must acknowledge the reality of a lynch mob. The most solid atheist might not believe in a god, but they do believe in the extremist with a bomb belt.
Actually, I think we should start replying to the 419 spammers offering our shrunken-willie restorative cures in return for their bank details, BIG RETURNS guanteed!
Yeah, it would make most of the people around there wonder if they've got into the wrong container at the Shenzhen Container Terminal !!
@stupid pricks...... Well, not to be too pedantic about it but it's actually *little* pricks !!
@Actually, I think we should start replying to the 419 spammers offering our shrunken-willie restorative cures in return for their bank details, BIG RETURNS guanteed! - Nothing so crude !! I just offer to make theirs backfire !!