@ Matt
What the fuck are you on about?
"So we were there as part of an illegal war, at a point after the yanks had illegally kidnapped Iraqi soldiers and then the Iraqi's probably acted illegally."
What Iraqi soldiers have we kidnapped? I can only guess you're referring to the arrests of Iranian diplomats/spies depending on who you believe.
"We're not really on the moral high ground here are we?"
Yes, because we don't hang people for being gay, jail, beat and torture women for being raped and arrest people for getting a haircut.
"We also got caught abusing Iranians and aiding in torture carried out by the yanks."
Are you from a parallel universe? We've never abused any Iranians. A few yanks were guilty of torture but please be aware that they were arrested and dealt with whilst torture of civilians is accepted and occurs on a daily basis in Iran for "crimes" as small as looking at porn.
"The conduct of the Navy personnel after their release wasn't too great either. I also hope I might have conducted myself better during captivity, but hopefully I'll never have to find out."
At least one of your paragraphs made sense.
"There's also been lots of commentary about the public's "contract" with the armed forces. While I'm inclined to respect those who are willing to defend our country it's hard to do so when they're sent to fight against the will of the majority of the country and, well you see my point."
No not really, they're doing their job it's not their fault no matter how you cut it. Are you expecting them to all quit/get fired for disobeying orders and become unemployed? Are you saying you'd be happy to risk being unemployed by not doing something at work just because of a few vocal "peace" protesters?
"It's also hard if you live near an army camp and see the fights in bars and drunkenness. I know, it's a minority, but it doesn't look good."
As opposed to say, going into the centre of any town on a Friday/Saturday night and seeing civilian mechanics/office workers/bar workers/<insert any other profession here> getting in to fights?
You don't even seem to understand the difference between Iran and Iraq judging by the multiple occasions in a single post you confused them so why would you even bother commenting? You seem like a typical non-factor who feels his voice needs to be heard despite this voice having no knowledge of the subject whatsoever.
You're a prime example of the problem armed forces face here at home in the UK nowadays, members of the general public who don't understand global politics combined with the importance of the military and the respect they deserve and yet still feel the need to defend over your own military a foreign nation with a history of threats to destroy other countries, that treats it's own people in a horrific manner if they don't conform and that actively supports and encourages terrorism through groups like Hamas, Hezbollah and Iraqi insurgents.
I'm not supporting the war in Iraq and I often disagree with The Register stories but I have to say Lewis has done a good job here, it was an interesting and well thought out article. The fact is our military are over there and are doing the best they can out of a bad job, they deserve our support through and through.