A paper tiger throwing rocks at the moon, and looking for a spine.
"The ICO is still investigating the losses, but in 16 cases has told organisations to change procedures."
Or else what ? The punishment for (say) a RIPA offence (if you can get anyone to care) is up to five years at Brenda's motel. The punishment for a massive DPA breach is that Richard Thomas comes round to your place and looks at you sort of sternly.
It has been the current Commissioner's frequent refrain that he would dearly like to be taken more seriously, fine, you want people to take you seriously, try a few prosecutions.
I mean I feel for him, really I do, stashed away from the action in some nasty Cheshire backwater*, shoehorned into a tiny office space between McDonalds and an office supplies shop (if memory serves)**. And OK, OK, only a couple of hundred staff for the entire UK, meaning that all of them must have massive case-loads (and very small desks)
But jeez-louise, if you let people walk all over the DPA with big muddy boots on and then do fuck all about it other than suggest that they might like to change their procedures, guess what ? That case load is just going to keep on growing.
He has it in his power to initiate prosecutions, and until he gets his finger out of his arse and starts dishing some out, government and industry will continue to smile charmingly at him, then give him the finger once his back is turned and get back to business as bloody usual.
Richard Thomas, you are an idiot, and some days it just seems like you haven't even read the legislation you are responsible for enforcing.
* Wilmslow, it's sort of like Royston Vasey, only with more expensive shops and less to laugh at.
** No one appears to know why this is so. Some have speculated it;s to do with a big pharma corp (Astra Zenneca) office just over the road, but who really knows ?