Sounds like a cool toy...
...that does what it says on the box.
However, since when does sheetrock on 2x4 qualify as 'well-constructed'? Transparant to WiFi, maybe, but for well-constructed I'll have my cement-fabbed Eurohome any day.
It's not often wireless music streaming comes as easily as AudioEngine's AW1 makes it. Open the box, plug the transmitter and receiver in, select a track and press play. Audio across the room in...oh, under a minute. The AW1 pack comprises two almost identical units: the rocket-iconed transmitter and the planet-themed receiver …
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I didn't realise sheetrock was a Victorian product... one would assume a victorian house to be built from fairly sturdy brick walls with no cavity and thick timber and joist floors... all the victorian places i've lived in around the UK have been built without a bit of dry wall / sheetrock anywhere.
They're cheap and they can broadcast to any radio in the house. They're similar to the dongle you use to get music from a MP3 player to a car radio but have somewhat higher audio quality and power. They're legal in the US, questionable in the UK.
I don't understand why every attempt to mass market music stuff costs so much (and is so difficult to use).
Airport Express and Airfoil are 2 of my favorite products, but no good for watching movies - way too much delay. The Audioengine wireless is about the same price as AE+AF, but there's no setup headaches and AW1 has a latency of under 20mS so it's fine for movies (no lip sync problems).
I have one AW1 pair going from my surround receiver out to my AS8 subwoofer and another pair going to powered rear left/right rear speakers (A5's of course).
As far as range goes, I get about 50-60 feet around my house through 1 floor and 2 walls. I also have 2 wireless networks running and no co-existence issues so far.
What is the point of this?
How about: Old craptop or shitty old P75 in the corner of the the office. Share the Music folder. Place on wireless LAN. Now all office users can listen to anything they like.
Is it me, or is this device a completely pointless waste of time and money? A solution to a non-existant problem?
Sorry, I just don't get it...