I am that local opposition...
OK, let's get things into context here.
The grounds for opposition to this scheme were:
1)unsuitable location.
2)inappropriate scale (individual turbines and entire scheme).
3)insufficient benefit in evironmental, social and economic terms to justify the environmental, social and economic costs.
We are not NIMBY's, we just want them in our back yards, not on the moor! In fact support for community renewables on the island is far stronger than the opposition to this huge scheme (See here - http://www.viewsofscotland.org/snp_conference/LewisSurveys-01Nov07-MedRes.pdf)
We have plans in place for a whole load of community wind and wave schemes, have an experimental biodigestion plant and planning is underway for a hydrogen plant to create storage of all this renewable energy we plan to make.
Objections to this scheme were all about protecting our land and communities from cynical and reckless exploitation. The profit from this scheme would have been generated from Renewables Obligation Certificates, not from generation - there was never any guarantee of an interconnector to export the power off the island.
Not one of the many people on the island on fixed incomes would have found a reduction in their fuel bill as a result of this scheme.
Not one local person would be guaranteed employment beyond the construction phase of this scheme.
No guarantees were ever made regarding the cleanup of the site at the end of the life of the scheme.
As for the Chris Morrison's notion that the objections weren't local, I can tell he doesn't get home very often then, I haven't met a living soul from Barvas to Eoropie that thought this was a good idea in anything other than principle. The more educated folks became, the firmer their opposition became. There are only 26,000 people in the entire Western Isles, that 11,000 of them took the opportunity to object and less than 100 took the opportunity to support the scheme is pretty telling.
"GO" because we can get on with serious and useful combined renewables projects now this ill conceived nonsense is finished with.