Spies 'r' us virtual secret agents ..
"Do the IWM realize that Bond is a figment of someones imagination, or doesn't it matter as people can't tell the difference anymore." .... By Doug Posted Sunday 20th April 2008 13:23 GMT
Of course it matters, that people can't tell the difference anymore, Doug. That's what create the Reality Virtually. It is Virtually Vital than Nobody Notices and Everybody, with a Need to Know, knows.
One would have expected that Ian Flemings genes, would have allowed the Family and Partners to recognise the Real Thing in Others too .... and for them to know that IT would create them a Fortune 42 Administer and therefore for them to Energise themselves, accordingly.
In today's, fraught financial climate, what better Opportunity would there be to Lead with a Recognised Hero Model/Clone/Figment.
"Rather pointless if he had been in on Ultra." ..... By Francis Boyle Posted Monday 21st April 2008 08:04 GMT .... In Real Life, QuITE so, Francis. By all accounts, being no angel but being very fond of angels :) he'd be treading wherever he wanted and where he was wanted....... a QuITe Perfect Scoundrel and a Master Pilot of his Craft.
I was going to say that they don't make them like that any more, but that would not be true, it is just that you don't get to meet them anymore unless absolutely necessary, for you can imagine how busy they must be.:-)
"This may be heresy to some but I don't get the adulation lavished on Flemming's creation." .... The name's Pratt - Complete Pratt Posted Monday 21st April 2008 08:04 GMT
Such Scepticism is the Foundation of Immaculate Stealth and the Perfect Accompaniment for Special Service Operations, Sceptical Bastard. And the Fleming, not Flemming ..... and hence the Flame :-)