Wrong party
ROFLOL, now there's a new opportunity for Apple, the iCanister.
Hospital authorities in the Philippines are none too pleased with three doctors and a nurse who extracted a 15cm spray canister from a male patient's rectum in a "rowdy" operation, footage of which subsequently popped up in three-minute video on YouTube Health Secretary Francisco Duque III has ordered an investigation into the …
Naw !! Them Nazis are all talk and no ..... Not even after partaking of Pfizer's most famous product !!
@AC@Wrong party - not as good as the one in the Darwin Awards who had a mobile phone in the same place. Appearantly the phone went off while the operation/procedure was taking place !! What was not said was :-
1) was the phone set to vibrate to announce incoming calls ??
2) did anyone answer that call and HOW ??
At least it wasn't a 3G phone, complete with video, text and camera functions !! If it was, the subsequent footage would have been of significant medical interest !!
How does one deal with their insurance company representative, when they call to verify this "medical procedure" was actually performed, on the individual in question? If I were in the agent's position, I could honestly believe a medical report that included little details like self-inflicted nail gun wound, but an anal "wound" like this? Nah...
The guy is going to feel like an ass for a long time to come & be the butt end of a joke for years.
Mine's the one with the optional anal chastity appliance.
"Boldly goin where no other CAN has gone before" more like it ...
"Hey, where's Mr Soreanus?" - Ahh, he's gone for a few cans - err - tinnies ... ahh whatever.
But seriously, imagine if the spray deployed while it was mud-up...he's shit's woulda been attractin all the ladies, like on them deoderant advertisements.
I'm pretty sure I had a hat that went with this jacket....
I do hope that was the length and not the diameter.
We did once have a patient in our X-ray dept with a Gold Label* bottle in the same place. He was a bit hazy on how it had got there, too, but given the effect of its former contents, that's not wholly surprising.
*A very strong UK beer, sold in mercifully small bottles.
It's 5:37am here (for me) ... it usually takes me about 45 minutes to put out the necessary fires ...
So please forgive me if I'm a bit confused ...
A spray can up the arse/ass ? Did I read that correctly ?
No, I won't be going back to check ... and *NO* I don't want to know the IT angle ... Seriously.
Damnit, no more El Reg reading before the third cup of coffee ...
... muttering to himself ... "Did they say Spray Can ? Spray Can of what ? ... I don't care. I don't need to know ... "
Seriously, WTF ???
<--- Going out for SuckMyBucks ... this is gonna be a LONG week ...