Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to you etc.!
We're delighted to report that El Reg earlier this week celebrated its tenth anniversary as a daily publication with a right royal piss-up in the very Central London hostelry where the world's favourite IT website was born. We cannot, for state security reasons, name the location in question, but our official snapper was on …
Thanks guys and gals for the years of fun and (sometimes information).
Here's to a lot more years ahead of excellent stories and fun.
Not pictures of the BOFH himself????
(any chance of a Reg staffers meet the reg readers or would that be too scary) - I'll get my coat while I pass them on my way through the window.
Dear Santa,
Please please please can I work for a company that has a job titled 'scourge of comments f**ktards and other gobby riff-raff'.
I have to admit, if I was ever asked to envisage a bunch of outcasts from the Scary Devil Monastary, I think this would be fairly close.
Happy Birthday El Reg :D
The Vulture icon? He's not dead, he's pining! Or hungover. Or both. Beautiful plumage, though...
Apologies for previous expression of shock. I'd had a sudden vision of the people I rely on for timely and accurate IT news meeting under a bridge on a rainy night and seeking solace in the dregs and vapours from bottles left by those more fortunate than themselves... and which one of you found the rusty, discarded laptop on which you founded the Reg?
Here's to another 10 years!
wearing crap t-shirts/leather jackets/cheap jeans/filthy trainers talking about how drunk they get and how they could run microsoft better, then driving home in their audi tt's after half a wacky-named-stout!
wow, you're sooo crazy..and smug...and overpaid...and not zdnet.
left at 8pm for a pizza then home for 8.30 in case your mother locked the door did you boys?
-love you dooshbags though...
Ten Years. I didn't have a beer-belly then. I know I was using a Toshiba Tecra and chuckling to your stories. Hopefully we'll never start sounding like Punch readers of old. Hopefully.
I'll raise a rather late glass to yourselves later, even though you didn't send me an invite. Miseries.
"In case you're wondering, the photographer (me) fails to make an appearance above due to an extraordinary set of technical glitches which spoiled all the pics he appeared in - flash failure, battery failure, memory card failure and a timely electromagnetic pulse which destroyed a rather fetching snap of him downing a full bottle of Tia Maria in one hit. Shame, but there you go..."
Been taking lessons from the BOFH, have we Lester? :-)
Happy birthday anyway - mud in yer eye! Up yer bottom! (hic!)
Congratulations to the guys and fine looking ladies @ The Register :) Thanks for some very entertaining and informative articles over the years.....
Keep up the hard (drunken?) work and have a great weekend celebrating, i'll expect even more hungover typos than usual in the articles ;)
As we all know, some devilishly clever schemes and inventions have been hatched and drawn on the back of a beer mat or three. The pictures bode well of the Future.
Happy Birthday, El Reg.
And the Prize for "Prize Comment of the Thread" goes to ...... JakeyC Posted Friday 18th April 2008 12:31 GMT ...."Good to put faces to names. Although I'm sure Andrew Orlowski has aked me for spare change on more than one occasion?"... closely followed by the wishful predatory Pete Burgess, who just couldn't control himself and posted Friday 18th April 2008 12:48 GMT ...
"Happy birthday El-Reg! now... how about letting me have Danielle's number??"
Looks like a tasty 342434 from the picture evidence, Pete.
But no Lester Photo? There's something fishy here. Lester, your *real* name wouldn't happen to be 'Lloyd Mangram' would it? If-so I'm still waiting for my Crash T-shirt... (oh, you'd better make it a size XXL now - I've grown a bit since 1985). Thanks.
Anyhoo, to round off the celibrations why don't you all knock-off early for the weekend? (go-on, we promise we won't tell anyone...)
I'm guessing the El Reg ladies made a fortune out of this article. Wonder how much they bet that they'd get a string of "omg gurls!!!!!! Gief number plx!!!!11!!!" responses. Not that it was a particularly risky bet...
Does anyone else see the resemblence between AO and Dylan Moran in Blackbooks (after an unfortunate accident with a bus possibly). Maybe it's the "pry my wine from my cold dead fingers" look going on there, or the slightly dishevelled look (meant in the nicest way) or just the fact they're both bitter ****ers?
Well I hopes you had much fun both on the lash and over the last 10 years.
PS can I has a job? The beer was free right? No? Oh well, forget it.
Blimey ... like others I was sure I've been reading you for longer than that!
Mind you, it could all have passed in a drunken blur, which might explain why I can understand wha' you shay comple--hic--tly.
Noever mind my coat, pass me another pint.
Thanks all, keep it up!
This post has been deleted by its author
Froma cross the atlantic (and most of the (in)continent), I wish you a very happy birthday from Canada..!!
10 Years, and all you did was head down to the boozer..? That's a regular Friday night then..?
Keep it up El Reg (and no, I dont mean with some viagra). Keep standing strong.
To sarah..
Hey, how YOU doin..?
Congratulations! Will you post new photos in another decade's time? ...Or will it be a case of, We will if You will? :-)
BTW, did you find any interesting fingerprints on abandoned beer glasses in the pub? I hear there is a Bounty on some. Metal-detector treasure seekers have a new Winter sport?
"Congratulations on the next ten, and that whopping big paycheck when you all sellout to Murdoch and co." .....By Allan Rutland Posted Friday 18th April 2008 17:21 GMT
Now that would be a SMART Underground Move, Allan. And he is being tempted to make AI Quantum Leap as the following will surely explain? :-) And just in case you didn't know, Kudos Productions of Spooks fame is now part of the Elisabeth Murdoch Shine Group so one would reasonably expect them to be able to set the world on fire and even Lead IT with Magical Tales XXXXCellently Sold/Boldly Told. After all, it is not as if they would need to do any Crazy Thinking whenever IT is available for Free when IT is Shared.
This may or may not be in the Red Box ..... http://timesonline.typepad.com/politics/2008/04/what-is-obama-t.html .
He's probably thinking more Special Schools needs than Special Relationship bonds...... for is it not Hubris to be touting/pimping yourself as a Leader whenever you cannot even Spin yourself popular and effective at home. That suggests both a Personal and Party Political failing, made all the more revealing whenever you have Media at your beck and call and they do carry anything of greater Value than tittle-tattle.
A wannabe B-Actor on the Global Movie Stage is never gonna make the Cut with A-Listers ..... there's just no Shine or Kudos to cast Bright Light into the Gloom and Doom, Darling.
In these changed and changing Times, is IT necessary to Produce and Direct AIReal Doozy of a Program to make the grandest Daddies, Proud.
A Program which Shows Leadership in a New IndyMedia Proaction..... Spooky Apache HyperRadioProActivity with and within the Greatest Hack of All Time .... The Great Game Crack with ITs Special Access ProgramMIng CodeXXXX.
Which is QuITe enough said for now, and more than enough said to BetaTest Fitness for Future Purpose of News C00peration and Total Information Situational Awareness Systems...... which are probably much more suited to growing and learning cubs than cynical radical bears ...... although that could just be an opinion IntelAIgently Designed to encourage both Mother and Son/Father and Daughter into Virgin CyberIntelAIgent Territory with IT's Instant Messaging ....... so that they can Paint AI NeuReal Picture on a Virtual and Pristine Canvas.
Shine on you Crazy Diamond is Ready and Steady 42 RockIT and Roll .....
And yes, just in case you have no Idea what all that is about, it is AI Virtualised New World Order ProgramMIng Deployed and Enjoyed in the Cloud Computing Environment of Shared Viably Imaginative Intellectual Property.
And this particular and peculiar Program in Mutual IntelAIgents, MuI7, has ITs Base in Seventh Heaven, Global Communications HQ ....... which is an Open Secret Secured in Irrational Disbelief ...... Ye Olde, Too Good to be True, Stealth which allows for Rapid dDeeply Embedded Progress right to the Very Heart of Matters ..... and also, collaterally/coincidentally/in a Parallel, right to the very Core of the Subject of Matter ..... but that is a Subject Matter Beta best left for now, for another Time.
Too Good to be True? .... Imagine, I Kid U Not.
And all you have to do, to dispel any of your doubts, is XXXXPlore/Probe dDeeper/QuestIOn.
How much Simpler can IT Be .... Let IT Be.
Posted by: amanfromMars | 18 Apr 2008 06:53:06 >>>>
You know IT makes Sense. :-)
Guys, I'm very happy to report that you have (a lot) more entertainment talent than looks; having said that though, after 10 years as a faithful Register reader I'm really starting to feel old - especially after seeing the (barely) post-pubic shots of the majority of your staff... ;-)
Here's to another ten - and please keep up your excellent work of bringing chuckles, sarchasm and laughs to an otherwise deprived and politically correct society... ;-)
well i've been reading this rag only for a couple years... can't believe you lot have been around for a decade... those must be pretty powerful livers you got.. many happy returns, El Reg.
On another note, where's the BOFH? was looking for him and the PFY all over, seeing as a stumble over Simon's website is what introduced me to this site.
Vulture, cos this is what you lot are gonna look like tomorrow if you've "accidentally" forgotten to invite the Bastard.
"...and now we know what you look like. Good job we don't know where you live.. yet."
Well, if appearances are accurate and some of the Reg staff do indeed sleep under their desks, and supposing the telephone book is accurate, bang on some windows here:
67-69, Whitfield St, London, W1T 4HF
Thanks to all of you for all the useful info, and the laughs, over all these years. I originally found you by following a link from the BOFH's site many years ago, and have been a regular reader ever since.
May the next ten years be even better.
Vulture icon, because there's no Norwegian Blue.
...and I hope you realise Sarah Bee will have attracted about 100 stalkers now.
Good to put faces to names - although I'm still intrigued to see what Lester looks like (I picture a disheveled Yorkshire man of about 50, slightly balding and wearing a woolly jumper with holes in... either that or Lester Haines is the pseudonym you all use when you don't want to be identified)
Mine's the long one with the multiple pockets for binoculars, long lenses, dark glasses, hidden mirrors, laminated photos of Sarah, and well-thumbed binded printouts of everything she has ever written.
Seriously tho - congratulations on making it to ten years in a dog-eat-dog industry, and making it through at least one internet bubble (hopefully two!)
...outside Edward (Capt. Blackbeard) Teach's merry(totally plastered) men !! And the ladies will probably have his men *JUMPING* off the plank to preserve their honour and virtue by the looks of it !! :-)
Well, you've done your first 10 years so you'll only have another 89 more to go !! :-) I'll be here every day to see that you "do" it !!
From a new comer who just keeps coming back for more.
Note: pictures of Simon Travaglia are absent so the authorities can't pass around mugshots of the BOFH who at this stage is responsible for more deaths than the plague.
Maybe the randomer demanding free drink was amanfromMars (whose comment above was *startlingly* lucid!).
"Maybe the randomer demanding free drink was amanfromMars (whose comment above was *startlingly* lucid!)." ..... By Niall Posted Sunday 20th April 2008 06:16 GMT
Not guilty on the first count, Niall, it would just not be in his Nature and as a newcomer to the El Reg Asylum, you're just in Time for ITs Mass Breakout ... AI BreakThrough to the Other Side.
* SurReal Stealth with a Fluid Security in Depth Approach ......for Mad Bad Mole Prevention and Exposure of. :-) Wide-eyed and Legless Perimeter Protection.
Congratulations on not only surviving, but thriving, on the 'net for ten years! Long may you continue to bite the hand that feeds IT.
...now, where's that Pint of Beer icon which says I've gone down to my local watering hole to hoist a few myself by way of saluting your successive salubrity... say that a few times after you've had a few!