What's the bandwidth in DVB-H?
The H is for handheld so it seems likely that the bandwidth (frame rate and resolution) is oriented towards 320x240 or similarly small low-res mobile/handheld displays, at low frame rates. Is that a safe assumption (it's not obvious from a quick search)?
If so, it seems that even "back of the seat" in-vehicle applications (say 7" screen?) are going to be unacceptably poor.
The number of people that want to watch TV on a handheld has been small for years, and I see no reason to expect it to grow significantly. When I bought my first colour TV, many many years ago, Dixons (sorry) were giving away free Casio 3" LCD TVs. It rarely got used, and when it did the batteries died almost immediately.
If I wanted to "trickle feed" a file containing a TV program to my handheld, why would I do it using a TV standard rather than a "trickle feed" file transfer standard?
Incidentally, how do you make Teletext work on a 3" screen? Or subtitles? How do you make the footy results legible, or the scoreboard legible at the cricket match, or even the Olympics? These were the kind of things I wanted from my handheld TV, same as from my big TV, yet they were also the most inherently impossible, because of the handheld screen size.
What about the small print on the adverts? Some things just can't be scaled down, and yet some of them are mandatory otherwise (for example) the adverts are illegal ("Written quotations are available", "your home may be at risk", etc, in a 4x3-pixel font? Interesting thought...)
Anyway, everybody knows that the future is IPtv. Just ask El Reg's tame IPtv expert (or maybe not - where is Alex these days? [1]).
Paris? Would anyone watch Paris in 320x240? Is the detail important at that level?
[1] Alex is around: http://www.azcameron.co.uk/2008/04/14/must-read-how-illegal-drugs-are-made/