back to article Utah boffins in terahertz spybeam infra-computing quest

Boffins working at the University of Utah say they have one-upped London-based researchers in the race to perfect "T-ray" powered computers. Terahertz radiation, or T-rays, could drive powerful circuitry in a similar fashion to photonic optical machines seen by some as a likely successor to current (cough) electronic kit. "We …


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  1. Doug Bird


    Horray for my University attempting to make history again having created the spawn (Bushnell) that went on to pioneer in sub-rate video games (even for their time) and rat infested (or mascot?) pizza arcades.

    I wish my majors Anthropology and Geography could be the beneficiaries of this kind of money and enthusiasm.

  2. Ryan

    "Human bodies naturally emit T-Rays"

    So no more "bench builds" then? And what sort of sheilding will our PC's cases need to keep the interference out?

  3. Ralph B

    His Dark Materials?

    > human bodies naturally emit T-rays while explosives, ceramics, etc don't.

    Starting to sound like Philip Pullman's "dust".

    Let me know when they develop that cool knife for cutting between parallel universes.

  4. Justin Clift

    Hmmmm.... hidden weaponry?

    So, after all the airport security systems have deployed T-Ray based weapon detectors... people (with enough $$$) will be able to buy weapons/items covered with stuff based on this tech and thereby avoid the detection anyway.

  5. Alex Hawdon


    "It's not [as far as I'm aware, in my limited knowledge of all this science stuff ]foolproof so why bother?"

    What a wonderful argument. I suggest you have a chat to the security attendants at the airports about ceramic weapons the next time they unreasonably try and get you to walk through the metal detector...

  6. Kurt Guntheroth

    what's hot

    Let's see, T-rays, carbon nanotubes, quantum computers. Check. Can I build a quantum computer using either of these? Hmmm... enough to get funding? Right then.

    What about high Tc superconductors. Nope, no longer hot. Put that one back in the bin with cold fusion. (It will make me weep if we eventually discover a hight Tc superconsuctor using carbon nanotubes, that wasn't discovered because the two trends weren't hot for funding at the same time).

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