Re: Double standards
Dude get your facts strait before positing such intelligent comments.
MS has been found guilty, yes GUILTY of being a Monopolist. So if a convicted monopolist tries to railroad an existing standard with an inferior/incomplete/legally encumbered standard by nefarious means its only to protect it's monopoly. Nothing more, no community good will, no industry collaboration, nada nope zip.
"Apple could quite easily get away with offing up a AOXML systems and it would be passed through without a second glance"
If Apple owned the market as MS does why wouldn't it. Thats what MS has done/tried.
Whats funny is the tampering with ISO voters is so blatant i think the world is stunned. It's kind of like NY/NJ mob trials where everyone knows that the reason the snitch stopped singing is because the defense got to him, but theres nothing they can do.
"unjustified wave of anti -Microsoft sentiment." Dude do your homework!!! Try Microsoft history 101!!!
"Luckily Microsoft products are more thought through and win over in the end."
Wow, are you the monkey man's sidekick? Tell us, please respond here how Vista is more thought through then other OSes out there? You want to see thought you should look at a MAC as far as usability is concerned. You want stability/security/scalability? Try LINUX/UNIX.
Now web CMS.. MOSS? Please try Documentum/Red dot/Joomla etc.
MS does make some really great software but they are by no means the best in the markets they are in. They are the best at making money more than software. I doubt i would get too much of an argument from anyone on that.
I think MS has targeted the key people in the right spots over the years that has propelled them to the top of the SW heap. An IT director told me that he had never seen anyone fired for picking a MS solution.
If Larry had a software portfolio that MS has even his pinstriped suited borg couldn't do what MS has done.
Need my coat to walk the dog!!