@Jason Thoms
We rent two dedicated servers from them at a rate of nearly £400 pm, hardly what you'd call budget pricing. Perhaps if I was one of their £3.99pm shared webspace customers I'd be less bothered. As it is, (and as Phill Holland in an earlier post mentioned), I'm left as an IT professional looking sheepish as there's nothing I can do about a bit of hardware somewhere across the country.
@Steven Hewittt: their website guff promotes the following:
"Overall maintenance
In a co-located environment, a company must take steps to ensure they have a disaster recovery solution in place in the event of equipment failure. For a truly robust solution, a company needs, at a minimum, a ready spare for every component in the configuration on hand, as well as level 3 technicians ready to diagnose and address the problem.
Specialising in dedicated server hosting, Fasthosts has all the necessary equipment, multiple spares of every component and level 3 technicians on hand 24/7/365 to ensure that our customers receive the best service."
For a fault that was initially logged on their system status page at 2.59am, a 12 hour fix to replace a piece of hardware ("readily spare", one assumes) seems excessive.
I shall be asking for my compensation as per their SLA, and watch them try to wriggle out of paying it, before relocating to somewhere that actually seems to give a damn.