Panda super secure software .. works on IE only ...
On Firefox the active X installer HUNG.
Closed, reopened, all went ok this time.
It starts an update ... error updating, retry .. error updating. close Firefox, re open, tryi again, error updating, what a load of crap!
Open IE instead, oh look active x installed ok, oooh the update page gies me an eror to BUT this time it also shows hat it is trying to install ANOTHER active X .. never asked me for that 1 in Firefox! Accepted it and eh voila scan is running.
So conclusion for panda ... they want you to run it on the very very secure IE as it doesn't seem to like the incredibly well know insecure firefox (sarcasm!).
My verdict? If panda can't get something as simple as this to run on anything other than IE which people worried about security DON'T use then how can they spout all this about security on peoples pc's? It's there bad programming that forced me to use a less secure browser!! Good to have confirmation that I made the correct decision not to use panda software all these years :D