If i were doing a bit of the old "Parisian" with Kylie i'd want the world to know about it.
Three French websites have been found guilty of invading an actor's privacy for publishing links to articles containing the offending material. The Paris Tribunal has fined the operators of all three sites. Oliver Martinez, who is famous for his relationship with pop singer Kylie Minogue, sued two blogs and one news site over …
Only a matter of time then, based on this kind of judgment.
Oh, and don't stand around on the street pointing at someone's house - they might take offense and do you for infringing their right to privacy.
While we're at it, best to remove all those privacy-invading road signs that point the way to where you live.
Google "Oliver Martinez Kylie Minogue" about 355,000 results
What privacy is being referred to here?
More to the point ..
"The link in effect is a deliberate decision on the part of the defending organisation, contributing to the spread of illicit information, thus making him responsible as an editor of such information,"
If we remove all the links to info about these so called celebs then without all the attention they might just bugger off back to obscurity and do the rest of the human race a favour. Perhaps then we might start to get some people in the public eye who deserve to be famous for actually having a) some talent b) a sense of humour about themselves!
( The icon in the case, was bleedin' obvious really! )
Huh? How can you be responsible for content that's on someone else's site? What happens if they change the content from legal to not legal while you're not looking? What happens if someone hacks the site and changes the contents?
Sounds like a rubbish law to me. The link is just a reference. Referencing other works on paper doesn't cause a problem, so why on the web?
Something like...
"This website is in no way responsible for the information it is linking to"
followed by more legalese.
Maybe it could even be added automatically by the servers at the end of every web page... And Voilà, you are back in the previous situation.