The Candidates are manipulated as choices. The votes are manipupated. What's left?
The Corporate owned and controlled media pushes candidates down the public's throats by marginalizing or denigrating those who don't tow the Party line (To wit the treatment of Ron Paul by the media along with Tancredo and every other candidate deemed not worthy as "second tier" candidates even before one poll or despite poll results.) Meanwhile, all we got is a huge dose of Obama and Hillary and the non-thinking American public buys it hook, line and sinker despite the fact that the rhetoric and promises being made today have historically been repeated and the promises never kept. (Personally, I think Obama has already been ordained as the next President by the controllers or "owners" as George Carlin likes to refer to them regardless of what else happens.)
Then, if you have done any research at all you would discover that the voting has been increasingly manipulated for a decade now. (I viewed the video "Uncounted" online which is available on YouTube I believe for more current facts on the vote fraud taking place in America or read Greg Palast "Armed and Dangerous" and "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" for the facts in the last 2 Presidential elections.) So what is left to the American public?
We're on a downward slide into a Socialist Oligarchy. The dollar is being engineered into a collapse. The borders are being intentionally left porous. Debt is being driven into a huge bubble that has no direction to go but POP! Goldman Sachs is predicting $1.2 Trillion (with a "T" folks) in losses by the end of the year. We've already spent $200 Billion bailing out the likes of financial firms which collapsed like Bear Sterns. The Bush administration continues to outspend ANY liberal administration ever. And Barack Obama with his spend and tax schemes is our savior?
My gut feeling is that unless the public wakes up wholesale and votes out almost every incumbant regardless of Party affiliation by numbers that are too far apart to be manipulated, no changes of significant help to stop our downward slide will be initiated. And when the you know what finally hits the fan, it will be "Buckle your seat belt Dorothy 'cause we ain't in Kansas any more."