Is it me?
Or is anyone else bored of trying to keep up with an apparently endless stream of phones that all do pretty much the same things in the same crap ways? If real innovation was the motivator for launching a new model, we'd have one or two every couple of years.
I blame the contract monkeys for it, gotta have a shiny new phone every year...
I've had the same PAYG model (Nokia 3230) for a couple of years now and although it's crap I still can't find anything that I want to replace it with. About the only interesting feature that's now emerging is built-in GPS. Shame I've got a perfectly adequate BT GPS unit the size of a box of matches that I switch on when needed.
All the other gimmicks are still poorly implemented:
*Camera - better off with a real one (pin-hole lenses are so 19th century).
*MP3/MP4 player - nothing available with decent capacity and a suitable screen would be too large for a phone. How many phones still don't use standard 3.5mm jack sockets?
*PIM - S60 is OK, if only my Series 5 had a decent processor and screen it would be perfect.
*Touch screen.Why for f*** sake would one of those be in any way useful?
*Web surfing.Again, the S5 would rule. Maybe an EEE or a N810 would do.