I assume they paid for the rights to film
Close down filming, take all of the foreign currency that would have been spent by the crew and go somewhere else, simple
The mayor of a small Chilean town has expressed his displeasure at the hoisting of the Bolivian flag over his home by mounting a motorised disruption of filming of next Bond outing Quantum of Solace. Carlos Lopez drove a small saloon car straight onto the set at the railway station in Baquedano, in the process reportedly …
and pretending our country is somewhere else:
Columbia, Cambodia (all densely bush-clad hills look the same with some species of Helicopter gunship flying over them), Japan (Last Samurai), Middle Earth etc
I actually encountered what looked like a helicopter gunship (well, a smallish helicopter with a forward-mounted chain-gun) when I was riding my motorbike from Hamilton to Palmerston North. I did a quick double-take then shugged and thought "Nah, we don't have gunships in New Zealand". Some time later I saw that same area and the same gunship in a movie (admittedly, this time it was supposed to be set in New Zealand.)
Never heard any outcry from the local Maori (who're fiercely proud of the land and their connection to it) over their "whenua" being misrepresented and protrayed as war-torn Cambodia, drug-producing Columbia, Mount Fujiyama or The Shire, let alone any active protests.
Never had any problems with it myself, despite having my motorcycling interrupted by chaingun-totin' helicopters.
Icon because...
Agh, work it out yourself
scenes supposed to be set in Scotland have actually been filmed in Ireland. And have the Irish protested? Nope - they've coined the lolly and thanked the government for putting in place so many sweeteners for film-makers to make their films on the Emerald Isle. Sometimes people take films too seriously and life not seriously enough. Are we in the process of "amusing ourselves to death"?
Paris, because they've made some nice films there too...
I say we steam on over there in which ever gunboat we have nereby and shell the town for a good few hours, or at least something that looks like the town that happens to be in range. We should then break for tea before getting the ruler, pens and maps out and begin redrawing their borders before settling down for dinner.
Before we leave we should then bill them for the cost of the disruption to the filming, the cost of the gunboat action, that shelling is expensive and not forgetting dinner too.
Black Helicopters - because nothing says imperialism like a black helicopter can.
Did ya not see Casino Royalle and its complete (almost) lack of gadgets, its acting and story or are you gona insist that it was rubbish as well.
The last Bond film was the best bond film since Golden Eye and it was a lot better than that. In fact its fighting for a space in my top 3, should i ever be bothered enough to have top three.
You must be an SNP supporter, get back to bragging about your free education and stuff.
Oh man, why do they do such a fuss about a *film* portraying a place like another country? Another James Bond flick I remember doing this was "Licence To Kill" with Veracruz portrayed as "Ishmus City", which gave me the giggles as they basically maintained everything as-is, even the licence plates were Mexican plates with "Ishmus City" in the place where the state designation would usually be.
On the other hand, I'd like to see what would be the reaction for locals if someone were to film on the Falkland Islands as a stand-in site for ... Argentina.
You all fail to notice that the flag was raised over the official residence of the highest political figure in the town. I can't think of a political figure anywhere that would take kindly to the flag of an opposing nation being flown above his/her home - can you imagine this happening in india/pakistan, iraq/kuwait, palestine/israel, croatia/serbia, anywhere else you care to mention?
Paris because her level of perception is eerily similar to the previous commentators'.