Best be careful
She might slip under the door and escape.
Paris wouldn't be so foul towards authority
Battling Streatham clotheshorse Naomi "Fuck off and respect my privacy" Campbell is being held at Heathrow airport having been arrested "on suspicion of assaulting a police officer", the BBC reports. Details are as yet scarce, but a police spokesman said: "At 17:11 police were called after a disturbance at Heathrow Airport …
Police State UK , has come to pass , and now no one is free from the mindless arrogant bureaucrats including mindless arrogant silly unemployable ex super model living in the past with a total history of a very bad self centred attitude of "me myself and I" dating back well over twenty one years ago , and throwing temper tantrums from day one over many minor mole hills !
I was beginning to think there would be nothing but hard hitting news (interesting but depressing) from ElReg this year. Here she is like an old friend kicking ass and being arrested gives me hope that the world has not completely changed. I would like to see what she'd do to those TSA yucks if they told her to take out her nipple rings.
"suspicion of assaulting a police officer"
Here we have an expert witness, a police officer (as if the said police officer was not in fact present then the entire charge is false) who doesn't know if he was assaulted or not or if it was the suspect that assaulted them if infact said assault occurred. Unless ofc they were a plastic policeman in which case it really doesnt surprise me as I have seen more useful chocolate teapots
I suspect retraining is needed
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I wonder if its a vitamin, mineral or just plain food deficiency that causes her to act this way. Though I do have to agree that she may slip under the door to escape. What did they use kiddie cuffs? And WTF you mean "Suspicion"??? Either she did or she didnt. 'Nuff said.
Mobile phones got really small but if they keep getting bigger Naomi could become even more dangerous. If she switches to a laptop such as a Panasonic Tough Book she could be lethal.
Being clumped on the head with that would be bad.
Based on my impressions from this Monday I am surprised that they did not have to call the armed responce unit there over the last week. In any other country they would have.
There is no indication on which level of parking corresponds to arrivals and departures on entrance and you end up somewhere in between with only one elevator getting you to the right level. After that you get into the lame copy of Barajas designed by a first year architectural college dropout. Hint - barajas looks cool because being able to see the ceiling from anywhere gives you a feel for air, not because it has columns sticking all over the place. It is also extremely functional and works like a swiss clockwork. In the lame copy called terminal 5 you cannot see the ceiling from nearly anywhere and it all looks hideously ugly. It is anywhere but functional as well.
Anyway, from the wrong parking level on you proceed to arrivals or departures - your choice. In either case there is no sitting areas to speak of. The amount of seating space is laughable. So people had to endure the cancellation, wait and luggage madness standing or sitting on the bare floor.
I am really surprised that someone from BA/BAA did not get lynched here and than. In any other country they would have. Trully, the blitz spirit lives on. Or we are just masohistic somewhere deep in us. In any other country it would have been a riot with the terminal building set on fire.
Paris, as a good approximation of the designer of the terminal and the way it is being run.
Violence has already broken out. Two teams of baggage handlers from different terminals were drafted in to work together at the new terminal. Different terminals means different working methods and differences of opinion. It quickly got out of hand and 12 blokes were nicked after the police were called to come in and sort it out. So you see it wasn't the new baggage conveyors that fcuked up, it was the fact that all the loaders were in cells!
The funny thing is, Heathrow T5 and Madrid Barajas were designed by the same architect, UK's own Richard Rogers. While T5 took 15 years from initiation of the project (1993) to complete, the competition for Barajas took place in 1997 and the building was complete and operating by 2006 (9 years).
It is more an indicator of national attitudes regarding planning/design provisions and client conservativeness than a direct reflection of the skills of the architect. If you look at the earlier proposals of T5, there was a much more daring roof structure that is more akin to what was seen at Barajas; part of the reason that has disappeared is the reduction of T5's building footprint in response to environmental lobbying against airport expansion. This has led to the resultant cramming of floor area into a limited footprint, creating what you would call uncomfortable spaces, as opposed to Barajas which had the room to expand and create vertical layered connections with its space.
Paris also, due to the conservatism that has overtaken the country leading to this abysmal building when we could have gotten a Barajas.
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I presume all the characters making lame jokes about the use of the word "suspicion" were being facetious?
If not, let me explain: The general principle of "innocent until proven guilty" still endures (at least in theory). And "proven" means "proven in court". Thus, police cannot simply state outright that the person they detained was guilty, no matter how obvious it is. Especially as, if the detainee is later found not-guilty, even if it is by way of a technicality, they may be able to sue the cops.
From the cop's POV, it's bad enough seeing some scumbag go free, but to have him turn around and sue you is just too much - better to have tight regulations that prevent this.
Must admit up until now I just thought Ms. Campbell was an aimless overpaid drifter with a penchant for physical violence and no redeeming qualities.
I was wrong; she's an aimless overpaid drifter with one redeeming quality - a penchant for physical violence.
In this case, she dared to do what most of us only dream of - gave the incompetent buffoons running T5 a wakeup call. She should be congratulated, not collared.
Go Naomi, Go!
The above text is intended to represent a satirical viewpoint and the author in no way condones acts of physical violence against the much respected and loved agents of the secret police who run this country in such an efficient and totally non intrusive way.
I am no fan of Naomi, but i dont have a bug up my arse either about her.
I do however think even though violence was probably not the smartest recourse for BA/BAAs complete incompetence / unprofessionalism, she sure had the right to be pissed off. I'm sure many of you would have been too, its just being a supermodel, shes more prone to dramatic tantys!
...if the story told by her spokesperson is true, then my sympathies are with Naomi Campbell.
If the bag was on the flight, and the person didn't turn up - then yes, you unload the bag and delay the flight (and then throw the book at the person for his stupidity.)
But if the person is on the flight, and the bag hasn't made it, then fly anyway, and send the bag on later. Why should she be asked to leave the flight? For heaven's sake, that happens all the time. How would she even KNOW that one of her bags got lost until she got to her destination?
I suspect there is more to this, but on the face of it, it sounds like she got a raw deal.
they loose your luggage and then have the gaul to ask you to leave the plane!
I think I'd also be a tad annoyed too.
If they'd just let her go, she's enough spondooliks to replace anything missing at the other end. I thought the issue comes with putting the cases on and not the passenger not the other way around.
Is there no place left that doesn't report on this garbage? I have to ask, why do people care so much about these wealthy idiots and their day-to-day behaiviour? It's pathetic and I can't seem to find any "news" sites or "news"papers that don't have this crap plastered all over their respective walls.
I'm with Peter. I think Naomi should be used as a roving airport quality checker on behalf of British travellers everywhere.
She can start by popping down to Faro in Portugal and kicking the BA desk bloke in the bollocks, on account of him being the rudest person I have ever encountered anywhere.
Only the thin veneer of civilisation and fear of a Portuguese jail stopped me from killing him with his own stapler, but Naomi is not bound by such restrictions and so I think she would do a great job.
not being funny (and ignoring the fact that it's Naomi in the middle of it) had I been shuffled onto a flight on time with my baggage checked, then hurled from said flight because they lost my bags, I'd probably have kicked up an almighty fuss and decked someone too. Why the hell is she kicked off because they cocked up? Why lose one bag but not the other? Makes no sense to me.
Good to see they're on the case since the earlier case of the guy who
"suffer[ed] all manner of abuse. The teens smashed windows, climbed onto his house and vandalised the security camera he fitted to gather evidence."
was completely ignored..
The vulture that's been battered to death by yobs while the police are harrassing models.
"I personally am all in favour of beating up the retarded morons who can't manage a project to a succesful completeion, and who decided that testing was an optional part of the process..."
You're gonna be punching out 99% of this countries project managers then.
And you were going so well until the Health Warning
@Stuart Van Onselen
A Chief Constable said in an interview that "the police knew whether someone was guilty or not..."
The police have only two standard criteria,
a) Motorist / law abiding citizen = guilty as sin.
b)Hoody thug with someone elses blood dripping from his / her knuckles or thief / burglar with pockets stuffed with drugs & swag bag full of nicked electrical goods = poor victim of society.
Every one fits in to either of these categories.
@Andy Hards
So the BAA managers didn't even think to get the new staff round for a trial run before the terminal opened? Stupid tw@ts.
While waiting for my train this morning I overheard a fellow commuter expounding on how well the T5 build had gone, and that its operations were going well considering how long it had been open. Apparently he had been working on T5 for the last XX months or so. He also knew people who had been on the project for the whole development. I wonder what he would think if he had to go through it as a passenger?
We need a 'totally fscked up & confused' icon. Paris because she shares some of these attributes, though not nearly as totally as T5.
Further to my previous suggestion (and several others too), could we not solve two problems in one go by taking the guns off the pilots and giving them to Naomi.
As we have learned from El Reg, the pilots clearly can't handle their guns properly and shoot holes in the planes instead of the people. Naomi, on the other hand,has demonstrated lightning quick reactions and a good aim on several occasions in the past.
Yeah, lose my bag now, motherfucker.
Mine's the t-shirt with "Guns don't kill people - Naomi does" on it.
I (Susan Sangster lookalike to Naomi Campbell) was meant to fly with Heathrow T5 - but, thought not as I did not want my items lost and I carry less value items around me than Naomi ! Why on earth did she select that airport noing full well the serious matter at persent????
"She arrived at Heathrow Terminal 5 in plenty of time" So does that mean she was actually there 2 hours before departure like the ticket stated and the rest of us do or did she turn up 5 minutes before the flight was due to leave, The fact it was still on the runway and the doors open is still plenty of time surely??
Paris as she has way more class than this "common ore" supermodel
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It's called "Innocent until proven guilty" and, if you check, I think you'll find it's the basis of law in the majority of civilised places. I'd say that the fact that she was arrested on suspicion means that the police involved understand the law -- for once it appears the press do too, perhaps they're scared of being done for libel if it turns out she's innocent?
"they loose your luggage and then have the gaul to ask you to leave the plane!"
Good grief. The baggage handlers set the bags free? And does it officially require a native of (formally) Western Europe to eject you from the plane?
I think we should be told.
Mine's the one with the big hat...
At London Heathrow Terminal 5 we’ve created a natural, logical journey that’s so calm, you’ll flow through. It shouldn’t take long to get from Check-in to Departures. Transferring and arriving are just as simple and calm. Spend the time you save enjoying the excellent range of shops, cafes and restaurants. Or simply relax and be wowed by the world class architecture.
She's obviously way too optimistic, like most people who don't understand what happens in the real world. She doesn't understand the shoddy working practices, limited resources etc.. of public transport.
If she was a little more cynical and assumed the worse then she wouldn't get so stressed.
Sadly nothing works as well as it should on this overcrowded rock.
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The Air Navigation (No 2) Order 1995, Article 59A states:
- No person shall while on an aircraft:
a, use any threatening, abusive or insulting words towards a member of the crew
b, behave in a threatening, abusive, insulting or disorderly manner towards the crew of the aircraft; or,
c, intentionally interfere with the performance by a crew member of his duties
The disturbance, hissy fit, tantrum or whatever else you want to call it was already going before the police were called - this was the reason why they were called in the first place. It is unlikely they'd have known the nature of the dispute, nor who was involved, until they'd arrived and they'd probably have cared even less.
Unfortunately, as in so many of our town centres, borish drunks, quarelsome couples and obnoxious scumbags have become a common problem on aircraft and at Heathrow in general. This is precisely why Article 59A was introduced in Sept. 1999. This law is strictly enforced for good reason, as you'll know if you've ever had the misfortune of witnessing an abusive argument or brawl at 30,000 feet.
The flight crews work for their airlines, not BAA, they are not personally responsible for hold luggage movements let alone the running of the airport (nor for that matter are the police). Flight crews will not tolerate anyone going 'off-on-one' prior to takeoff and will invariably call upon the police to exclude such persons, regardless of how 'understandable' someone's predicament might be.
For their part, the Police will initially ask the person to exit quietly (a confined airframe is no place for a scuffle), it does not necessarily follow that every individual will be prosecuted, they are just required to get off the aircraft as calmly and quietly as possible. In minor incidents the Police often advise the ejectee how best to pursue civil redress and obtain compensation. As is usually the case, the ultimate arbiter of deciding an officer's response is the ejectee themselves, such incidents are both common and extremely tedious.
I would say that someone spitting in your face is both grossly offensive and disgusting in the extreme, it most certainly is an assault. I wouldn't like it, I doubt that you would too; especially when all you're trying to do is your job and you're not even remotely responsible for the situation that gave rise to the dispute in the first place. Spitting is invariably adopted by those who intend to be deliberately provocative and offensive, it has little defensive value - though quite good for courting publicilty (sorry guys, a little harsh perhaps?).
Whatever sympathies you may have for this woman's plight, her response and behaviour towards it was both childish and unneccessary. Can you imagine if we all reacted in this way:
"Hello, my workstation's not working!"
"Sorry, the server's gone down"
"Dunno just yet"
Scream, cry, shout, stamp swear ...... spit
Its pathetic!
PS And yes, the Police will arrest everyone on suspicion of an offence, as someone above correctly ponted out - they have little choice in the matter.
Quote: *rubs gnarled old hands*
Oh no! Disaster! Here was I imagining you as the IT girl - a red-hot Paris looky-likey (but with brains and personality). My illusions are dashed, my fantasies in tatters!
As you are a self-confessed wrinkled old crone, kindly disregard all the nudge-nudge innuendo and borderline sexual harrassment in my previous comments.
(I'm going to turn my unhealthy attention towards Naomi. So there, gnarled biddy)
@Reid Malenfant. Yes, I think I got that grip...
"No person... ...
a, use any threatening, abusive or insulting words towards a member of the crew
b, behave in a threatening, abusive, insulting or disorderly manner towards the crew of the aircraft; or,
c, intentionally interfere with the performance by a crew member of his duties"
Oh, right. That's it then: shafted, screwed, treated worse than cattle, and if anyone complains: they're breaking the law.
What a ridiculous state of affairs.
Of course, its all for our safety and protection, so that's all right then.
She was forcibly deplaned from a bought-and-paid-for seat because some fuckwit drone lost HER BAG? That's an assault in itself, and the stalinist shits probably didn't receive half the 'suspected assault' they deserved. Surprised they didn't send in SO19 to deal with a "perceived brown person threat scenario".