It has to be said...
What a couple of Herberts.
The fake Craigslist ads which provoked a stampede of looters to strip an Oregon man's home were posted by two thieves attempting to cover their tracks, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. Robert Salisbury of Jacksonville returned home on Saturday, 22 March, to find about 30 people rummaging through his barn and front porch …
so if someone were to post an ad saying cars were free, you can bet your @ss you'd get jailed if you took one. Anyone grabbing stuff, regardless of a craigslist printout, is a thief, and I guarantee many of those "looters" had a very good idea what was up. Ignorance is no excuse, and when confronted by the owner, who could prove his residency, at that point they were thieves pure and simple-if they threatened the owner when they kept going, they get arrested for First Degree Burglary. I hope he has their license plate, descriptions, and calls them in. Especially with all this media coverage, anyone who failed to return stuff (and you know they get access to media coverage because they got craigslist) is nothing but a sleazy crook.
With first hand experience in living outside of Medford and with a husband that spent 31 years as a police officer for Jackson County, it would blow your mind to know how vulnerable we (the general publice) are to this type of crime especially for those of us who live in moderate to extreme rural areas. Personally, I do feel that Craig's List is responsible to a small degree. Even though there was no direct intent on the part of Craig's List to make money off of the crime it was still the end result. Craig's List profited from a crime by allowing that "type" of ad to run. Where is their liabiltiy? Anyone at Craig's List that read that ad HAD to know it was a hoax or at least checked it out before posting it. It's a sham that we should all be aware of. Don't laugh, it could happen to you!
Some advice for Craig's List;hire someone to scan the ads for this type of crime and ship all these ads to a local law enforcement agencies. All it would have taken is a phone call to the owner to verify this information.
jw in southern Oregon
Yep in the wrong state you will be doing life.
In California some breaks into your house to have reasonable believe they intend to do you harm before you can use force. Some states say you have a duty to retreat . There are states like Florida and Texas that basically say once they step on to your property with the intent to comet a crime you can light em up like the 4th of July.