1) 999 Is for emergencies only, shit happening right now, threat to property or person, ongoing, imminent or just happened not bloody some person who may or may not be an peado pretending to be a kid and telling every dumbass kid about their new puppy!
2) WTF are the parents doing that they have to leave up to kids to call the Police, are parents so lazy, dumb, uncaring that they cant keep track of their little bastards with all the tech out today, FFS you can lowjack their mobile phones, give them a GPS keyfob, use a filtering firewall that will block most things and record everything for review later on. Perhaps its all a bit too hard for parents to learn about this stuff, their kids probably shouldn't have a PC then should they. I mean they wouldn't give their kids a pet without knowing how to care for it ......... oh hang on.
3) Wouldn't it just be a lot simpler to have a word with the Bebo's Myspaz and Facecracks of this world. Say to them, "you know what, how about ALL accounts are automatically set with maximum privacy settings enabled" and the user actually has to go find them to reduce privacy after reading dainty set of warnings and explanations. Default action, they wont bother themselves and problem is solved by default.
4) Education, how hard is it to hammer some basic security lessons into them at school, obviously the teachers would need to understand it first .......... oh hang on.
5) In the UK an average of 6 children per year are abducted and messed with by strangers the other 99% have their lives ended or just ruined by someone they know. How is this going to stop that?
Goverment, web 2.0, "Making Policies in ignorance to make the ignorant subject to policies"
Bunch of headline grabbing arse, my taxes, give them back!