April fools?
"upgraded the network’s 60 PCs to Windows 2000."
Congrats on upgrading to an obsolete system, but going by the hardware he is showing, no suprise!
Think of a tech nerd and you’ll probably conjure up the image of a middle-aged man with Ethernet cables draped around his neck. However, women are becoming increasingly tech-savvy, according to a study of female geeks. The study questioned just over 2000 US-based ‘tech nerds’ about their use of consumer technology. The results …
Quote: "Transferring images from a digital camera to a PC is popular amongst women..."
*That* makes them technically savvy?
Nice to see the next generation of female systems analysts, software architects and processor designers will have core skills like, er, dragging files from one storage device to another in a GUI.
"Put the camera down, dear; sort out your shoes then cook the dinner."
Women should know their place! (Except Sarah Bee, of course, who has earned 'Honorable Bloke' status by writing for El Reg)
I am surprised by the "unsurprising" 12-24 lead over 40+ females, given the number of stories about that particular segment and their popcap-type madnesses last year. Minigames are perfect for that segment, and I would have thought it was significantly bigger than the teen/twenties female geek market...
I have nothing against girl geeks, the more women we get in tech support the better as far as I'm concerned.
@matt - I sympathise with you, having had to completely rebuild my girlfriends laptop due to the amount of crap and spyware on it (not to mention the 40 Gig of unfinished Emule downloads). Thankfully though she has learnt from that, at least for now.
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