back to article Shell starts clock ticking on unlucky 1% of staff

Royal Dutch Shell has claimed that no more than 30 jobs will be axed following the firm’s decision to outsource more than 3,000 worldwide IT staff. A spokeswoman at the oil multinational told The Register that it had set a “maximum headcount” of 30 employees who can expect the chop by 1 July. That’s the transfer crunch date …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle

    No jobs need be axed, when there're still contractors around!

    Shell is an avid supporter of contractors in jurisdictions with strong (and sometimes insane) employee rights. I would be too, if I wanted a dynamic business. As a contractor who is "mapped" to T-Systems (my existing contract will be "novated" across), I'm under no illusions. 1) The work must go on, so they'll need most of us, at least for the first 6-12 months. 2) T-Systems will, over time, try to reduce costs by finding cheaper people, probably local employees, instead of contractors. I wouldn't be surprised if they marched some Germans across the border, pink shirts and all. 3) Being a contractor involves risks, and most times that risk is amply compensated.

    So as a skilled contractor in a country desperate for skilled people, I'm not worried. Although I guess I'm lucky - some contractors in retained departments will be replaced by relocated Shell staff at the end of their contracts. Given the largely arbitrary nature of the employee placements, I expect hilarity to ensue as poor department heads have to deal with ill-qualified recruits who've been thrust upon them!

    Employees, on the other hand.... Well, many are indeed pissed off and disillusioned. Many have already and will leave of their own accord. Most who wanted places in the retained organisation didn't get it. Some didn't get the positions they hoped for. The shuffle has left a bad taste in many mouths, and that alone may have serious unintended consequences in the future.

  2. Richard Livingstone

    Large corporates

    “people who have worked at the company for many years who thought they were part of the Shell family feel they have been dumped”

    Are you kidding ? Does anyone actually believe that large corporates have loyalty except to their shareholders and the bottom line. If you do, then get real. In my experience over 23 years in IT, loyalty is the story you get when times are good and they need you. When times are harder, "loyalty" tends to get put behind "necessity". It's a shame but it's the way it works.

    Loyalty does have some meaning in smaller companies where the chiefs might actually be aware of the existence of the indians.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    @Richard Livingstone

    'loyalty is the story you get when times are good and they need you. When times are harder, "loyalty" tends to get put behind "necessity". It's a shame but it's the way it works.'

    13.9 billion in profit is a sure sign of a company that has fallen on hard times isn't it?

  4. Andy Bright

    They could really rub it in..

    Will they be getting their notice by email or text message?

  5. Eduard Coli
    Thumb Down

    Same ole'

    Does Shell really think the world at large is going to believe they will only lay off 30?

    It can't think people are that stupid but then again they seem to think anyone believes that they are not gouging whe nit comes to the current price of petrol.

  6. David Perry
    Paris Hilton


    It's still April 1st - excuse the scepticism.

    Paris cos she'd be too thick to notice this :)

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Remember folks..

    Loyalty works both ways..

    I treat my employers with the same loyalty I observe them treating others with.

  8. Former Gas Mask Jockey

    Big telco as a managed service provider.....

    Yeah...that's going to work out really well....

    If it takes months to get a circuit up and running....I can't imagine how difficult it will be to get change requests acted upon....

    Wow.....good luck with that......

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