Time to get my ass in gear
I mean ID cards who would be dumb enough to try and implement that?
In the summer of 2001, Whitehall officials saw the UK's national identity scheme as just the first step in a "five to fifteen year" strategy to create a comprehensive surveillance society, a top secret document obtained by The Register reveals. The document, signed by top Cabinet Office mandarin Sir Bonar Neville-Kingdom, was …
Nice try, but you're busted:
/CreationDate (D:20080331190655)
/Producer (Acrobat Distiller 4.05 for Windows)
/ModDate (D:20080331190735+01'00')
The giveaway, of course, was the redacted "copy number" on the first page. When I couldn't highlight and copy the revealed text because it had been /properly/ blacked-out, I knew this document couldn't possibly have been prepared by *real* civil servants!
Paris has just produced and 'starred' in her very own big screen movie, a masterpiece of cinematic art entitled The Hottie & the Nottie. Haven't splashed out on a cinema visit myself but according to the Observer's film critic Philip French " There is nothing to commend this disastrous film and not even a herd of wild horses, each laden with a Gucci saddlebag packed with doubloons, could induce me to see it again."
So there you have it, our golden girl is fucked again.
Yup, the review is a real stinker! :)
He describes our heroine as a "vacuous, self-adoring socialite" in a film "... starring herself as the most beautiful, sought-after girl in Los Angeles" and reveals a memorable line of dialogue: "a life without orgasms would be like a world without flowers."
I think we should all adopt that as our Paris leitmotif, bless her. All together now in chorus: "A life without ... "
Paris for the obvious reason
While you could of course be correct, in that El Reg theoretically *could* have received the document in, for example, MS word format, and used some print-as-pdf-file feature to convert it for our reading pleasure, I would however, nonetheless, just like to take this opportunity to say
....... A P R I L ... F O O L ... ! .......
... dude, c'mon. Even if you can't spot an obvious april fool when you see one, the author's name is "arse in gear"? As in, "Get yer"?
YHBT, big time!