let me guess
These are the same type of archaeologists who claim that Central American corn was first grown in mountainous desert regions because that's where the oldest corn is found? With no reference to the fact that it actually grows better in lowland wet areas, but of course it also decomposes easier there too.
Until archaeologists look at the facts as they exist and not as they wish them to be, archaeology will continue to be a joke. Until they don't simply follow the lead of the most well funded researcher, archaeology will not deserve to have the term "science" applied to it in any form.
In other words, they don't have a fucking clue, and it is unlikely they ever will. They're guessing, pure and simple, and simply discard "anomalous" facts as unimportant. Archaeologists today don't fit their theories to the facts, they fit their facts to their theories.
Yes, one of my degrees is in archaeology. Why do you ask?