Kicking sand
I had a conversation with a Dutchman about this, a few days before it hit the mainstream news in the UK.
It seems that Geert Wilders has been under Police protection for quite some time -long before the release of the film, in fact. He is regularly moved between safe houses and travels with body guards when in public. His visits to the Dutch parliament involve complex security arrangements.
The Dutchman I spoke to, said that from Geert Wilder's point of view, he already has no freedom and is already threatened with death , so he felt he had nothing to loose by releasing the film.
Some people say that by deliberately and knowingly causing offense, he deserves what he gets, while others have sympathy for his belief that Dutchmen should be free to critisise something without being threatened.
Mental images of Matthius, who is about to be stoned to death, come to mind. (Life of Brian comedy film).
Matthias: Look, I don't think it ought to be blasphemy, just saying "Jehovah".
(Crowd gasps)
Official: You're only making it worse for yourself!
Matthias: Making it worse?! How can it be worse?! Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah!