RE: Credibility part 1
"Observation:" - that must be the Apple fanboi translation for "my myopia makes me think this is true"?
"Windows users bash M$ after using M$ products and software." - many M$ users, through ignorance, really don't bash M$ as they don't even realise there are alternatives. As M$ producst usually do what they want, they don't bother to investigate alternatives.
"Windows users then bash Apple, even though they never have owned & used an Apple product." I have used many Apple products in the wrokplace and would seriously object to anyone suggesting I should part with my hard-earned cash for any Apple products when there are better Linux alternatives for free, and often much better Intel/M$ products at a better price.
"Apple users (ALL of whom used to be Windows users or are concurrent Windows users), laud and defend Apple products, while they try to explain to Windows users (who have never used Apple products) facts and reasons why they like the Apple products they own." - Actually, I have personally helped two Apple victims move from Mac to Windows XP, including finding and installing comparable products for the ones all the fanbois told them were "unreplaceable". They did not previously own PCs but stared with Apple after being fed a load of marketting manure about "unparalleled" graphics capability, are happier, and they bash Apple.
"Apple users also bash Apple products (go to the Apple hosted website) but mostly because they've come to expect perfection." - You obviously have very low standards.
"Linux users (all of whom are former M$ users) also bash windows." - I am a Linux and Windows user, and I recognise for some uses Windows is better. Apple fanbois won' EVER admit anything is better than an Apple product for anything.
"Linux user that have not used Apple products also bash Apple products just like it were the second coming of M$." - I have (professionally) helped Apple users switch to Linux workstations. They are happier with their new Linux systems, they have used Apple because (like the M$ users above) they didn't realise there was an alternative. Oh, and they now bash Apple
"Linux users that have used Apple products, use both... they only bash M$." - Really? You can vouch for EVERY Linux+Apple user in the world? OK, I have used all three, and I bash Apple. It is bottom of my list of choices for an OS for the vast majority of tasks. Actually, I can't think of a single Apple product where there is not a free (Linux or BSD) or purchaseable alternative that is usually cheaper and better.
"Liberals buy Apple products to be cool & elite (and to also be productive)." - Again, you can vouch for all Liberals? Then again, I wouldn't call myself a Liberal, so thanks for exempting me from ever having to touch a Mac again.
"Conservatives buy Apple products to be productive (and to also be cool & elite)." - See above. But I do tend more to the Conservative end of the spectrum, and I still wouldn't touch a Mac with a bargepole.
"Liberals buy Apple products because they like Al Gore." - Unfortunately, I'm still waiting for many Liberals to hold their breath indefinately to help ol' Al with his global warming claptrap.
"Conservatives buy Apple products because they like Rush Limbaugh." - No, they buy them because they don't know there are better alternatives.
"Keeping adding to the list!" - I would need a labotomy to be able to add to your list in line with your interesting form of logic.