"making it harder for terrorists and immigrants to illegally stay in this country"
This makes absolutely no sense at all. A terrorist isn't a terrorist until after he/she has committed a terrorist act, seems to me.
And besides, didn't the 9/11 gang all have a legitimate presence in the US anyway? How would ultra-snoop ID have prevented that???
Seems to me that all the law enforcement types (FBI, CIA, NSA, local police forces, assorted snoops and busybodies) who've always dreamt of a total surveillance state in the US have just jumped on the anti-terrorism bandwagon. Old and busted: it's to protect the children; new and hot: it's to prevent terrorism.
The sad part is that there is a very real terrorist threat in the US, but all this cops'n'robbers nonsense means that enormous resources are being pissed away on ineffective preventive measures.
You don't need to institute a police state to prevent terrorism. Besides, if there's a real threat, maybe some loss of lives and property (as at 9/11) is simply a price that has to be paid for freedom. The 3000 or so deaths at the World Trade Center in this view are martyrs to the cause of civil liberty and freedom, not victims.
Sad prediction: Islamic terrorists will strike again in the US, and afterwards it will turn out that elementary policing methods had been neglected in favor of the gee-whiz, total surveillance approach. Moreover, the next successful attack will use a vector that does not involve aircraft at all, so all the air passenger screening in the world won't stop it. Remember, you read it here first.
I weep for the US, with those ignorant bozos in charge who are primarily interested in lining their and their friends' pockets instead of looking after the common welfare.