TIA 'under construction'
Clearly they would like to achieve the "Orwellian infrastructure". They have identified council cameras as their first target stating that an electronic police feed would mean the data "met evidential standards". Turn this around and it means that police evidence from the same camera is of higher value in court than your own copy.
Clearly ACPO want better regulation of CCTV. Their next target is business CCTV, with the promis of police response and 'evedential standard' data.
Eventually in order to have a licence to operate a camera you will require a feed to the police. This will be via a 3rd party such as the supplier of the cameras, who would operate a server with a police feed to make things easier.
The insurance firms will also make it a requiement. You may even need them in your home but at this stage the sheeple will oppose it.
Traffic is policed with cameras, pedestrians are too, soon they will be policing inside shops via cameras.
If you drive south over the QE2 bridge you meet a new breed of cameras. They used to just watch traffic from far away, only making out the flow. Now they are big yellow and in your face. Taking your face and your number plate. They call it Average Speed monitoring, but with face recognition it will do more than nick speeders.
It's a good job the police never use Photo Shop to fake evidence. Especially if their evidence trumps your own evidence under the law.