Better late than never.
Oh goody..... Skunk Works. And not before time, too. Talk about being behind the curve.
And porking will prevent "In a few years, no doubt, we'll all be saying that the incubator door should have been locked before all the unharnessed pork-laden talent pigs flew away." as it is surely lack of it which causes it.
The talent still has to negotiate the idiots' pool though to secure its Funding, although that may be just a case of presenting Innovative Notions to them with a copy to their dearest Rivals/Partners/Friends/Enemies.
After all what a few million/tens of millions/hundreds of millions nowadays whenever hundreds and thousands of billions are being written off because of dodgy dealings in the Money Markets. And I'll bet you whatever you like, that there is bound to be definitely an Innovative Notion to fix that little Scam, which would make IT an Absolute Bargain at whatever Initial Energising Cost.