@Go and kill yourself
"Anything wrong with letting you make an educated decision? "
When Greenpeace didn't get forms back from Nintendo last time they gave them a zero score, indicating the number from Greenpeace is posturing rather than engineering.
A quick scan over the Wii, we know it has the lowest energy figure, it's the smallest box so likely the least plastic. Minimal PVC (connector housing looks like PVC) in there, similar chipset to the rest, just smaller, so likely less waste per item. SImilar packaging to the rest.
i.e. it's likely to be the greenest of the consoles. But if you wanted to double check they'd take one apart.
So if you want to get the greenest console buy a,.... wait, Greenpeace say 'Xbox'? Are they freeking nuts, that thing is huge, with acres of plastic, it gets real hot too as it sucks the juice down. And why did it score like that? Because Microsoft sent back the survey? Did they even check the number MS gave or did they just take it as wrote?
You see Greenpeace are just a joke right now, I expect to see a Pepsi sponsorship deal soon.