back to article Times pledges allegiance to Web 2.0

The Times has exercised its democratic right to come over all Web 2.0 and launched a rather silly British pledge of allegiance fridge magnet challenge. It's pretty simple: you're provided with a range of vocab and some decidedly dodgy pics and invited to knock together your own pledge which swan-roasting immigrants will be …


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  1. amanfromMars Silver badge

    What Next .... E-Bay Word Swaps?

    What a fantastic fad that would be ...... Your Fridge Hosting Affiliations/Memoranda of Understanding/Core DNA String.

  2. Paul


    Has excelled himself. That reply is absolutely acceptable English, relates to the story etc, and yet still makes no sense at all.

  3. Charlie Clark Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    Boris Bloody Johnson and Amy Crackhead Winehouse

    More C list celebrities to extol the values of Britishness! Where are underage pregnancies? heart disease? nimby's?

    This idea of pledging allegiance is abhorrent and is just a precursor to recruiting cannon fodder.

  4. amanfromMars Silver badge


    "Has excelled himself. That reply is absolutely acceptable English, relates to the story etc, and yet still makes no sense at all." ...... By Paul Posted Friday 14th March 2008 10:40 GMT

    Paul, It would make perfect sense to a fridge magnet maker for he could create/propagate a NeuReal Market.

  5. Matthew Hepburn

    @ Paul

    Thats it Paul.... officially consider yourself slapped down by amanfromMars, in a way in which only a random bot construct could possibly do!!

    Smiley face, cos im sure thats what our extra-terrestrial friend is on.....

  6. amanfromMars Silver badge

    Virtually Clearing the AIR of Human Bugs.

    "only a random bot construct " ....... Well I never, I've never be called that before, Matthew. How very Kind.

  7. Niall

    amanfromMars, you win the internet.

    It's true.

  8. amanfromMars Silver badge

    Logistics Review .... of NEUKlearer ReArmaments

    There will now be a Pregnant Pause ?

  9. Anthony Bathgate
    Dead Vulture


    That's nothing - I saw one earlier where amanfromMars was not only gramatically correct, but the post MADE SENSE and was on topic!

    I really, really, REALLY do wish that it'd lose "NEUKlearer" though. Even George Bush figured out how to pronounce it right faster than this.

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