Sound quality needs improvement here
Is it just my amarok player or did Darth Vader really phone in? How about getting rid of Skype and just using the old-fashioned blower and an ISDN connection?
Otherwise, MOAR!
It took an pundit with his own code-name to return Open Season to respectability. Redmonk analyst Michael Coté joined the Open Season crew for Episode 13 of our glorious show. With Coté on board, we managed to discuss about things that might actually matter to open source companies rather than simply prattling on about our …
A character on the popular BBC 90s comedy programme "The Fast Show" had a character who was always saying entirely the wrong thing - there would be a moment of silence whilst everyone else gapes at him - he realises - he says "I'll get my coat". eg. a group of football fans gather in the pub to watch the match - turn the tv on - the news comes on, they begin to announce the final score, they all scramble to turn it off - Mark Williams comes in at the back waving a football scarf, "two - nil! two- nil! WHAT A GAME! end-to-end stuff - England one down all through the second half - Beckham gets two in injury time! .......I'll get my coat."
It's the way I tell 'em.
Yeah, sound quality was a bit off, otherwise an interesting show as always.
I was at QCon 2008 in London last week and we had James Govenor of Redmonk open the "Architectures You've Always Wondered About" track - what a tosser (another british-english phrase beloved of Reg users).
That was a universal opinion of my unscientific poll of 3 other people attending.
is getting more capable, and PREEMPT_RT is going mainstream