back to article Convicted cybercrook stands for election in the Ukraine

A convicted cybercriminal has started a political party in the Ukraine. Dmitri Ivanovich Golubov, 24, formed the Internet Party of the Ukraine shortly after the country's elections last September. The party is running on a platform of modernisation and free market economics, campaigning on issues such as rooting out public …


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  1. Syren Baran

    A cracker as a politician?

    Well, i guess he might have good chances of being elected... do they use voting machines over there?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Diplomatic immunity

    "immunity from prosecution for criminal activities under the country's constitution"

    Blimey, no political scandals there then, they can do what they want.

    I wonder if it extends to fixing elections?

  3. John A Blackley

    Why must you......

    insist on printing contradictions?

    "a.........politician interested in ideas and not money."

    He'd be the first one.

  4. g00p

    i suppose...

    ...its probably easier for him to do this than try and find a cushy office job.

    good for him.

  5. g00p

    i suppose...

    ...its easier than him trying to find a cushy office job..

    good for him.

  6. Marco Gnumar

    Cracker, Liar, Thief or Philanderer?

    Which makes a better politician?

  7. bluesxman

    title? we don't need no stinking title.

    At least they know from the get-go that he is^H^Hwas a crook. An open and *cough* honest politician? Novel concept...

  8. Lyndon Hills


    Marvellous! As a politician he has plenty of opportunity for corrupt and criminal actions, for which he is constitutionally imune from prosecution! Presumably that bit was written by politicians?

  9. Anonymous Coward

    No unusual there....

    The former prime minister served time for armed robbery and the current prime minister managed to amass a fortune reputed to be around 3.6 Billion US$ by the time she was 36 years old in the mid-90s. Her near total control of the gas industry in Ukraine gave Tymeshenko the nickname of "The Gas Princess".

  10. Mike Moyle

    Re: A cracker as a politician?

    Not unusual - the Alabama state legislature (among others) used to be full of them.

  11. Hugh Fiske

    It couldn't happen here..

    A politician with an in-depth working knowledge of computers, whatever next?

  12. mixbsd

    @John A Blackley

    Not a contradiction in this case: he obviously made enough millions pilfering credit-card numbers that he could actually focus on ideas to improve his country.

    Seriously though, if a common thief like this carder can get into politics, it's no wonder an adware/malware author like Kent Ertugrul can get into bed with an ISP or three.

  13. Ishkandar

    At least he will know something about data security !!

    Quite unlike own home grown ones who wouldn't know security if it stood up and bit them in the backside !!

  14. Mark Flingstone

    @Diplomatic immunity - Anonymous Coward

    Much ado about nothing - this is nothing more than cut-and-paste Italian politics.

    Italian parties right, left and center have been doing that for years... and look, what a lovely country we live in...

    But relax, no Italian pride over there, no IP to protect.

    Pilato has a first here... can you remember "Who do you want us to set free? Jesus or Barabba?"

    Note: that's not "I'll get my coat" but "A politician is stealing my money" icon

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