"not obscene"
"Richard Gere not obscene, rules Indian court".
They haven't seen him 'act' then?
India's Supreme Court has thrown out an obscenity charge against the Dalai Lama's thesp chum Richard Gere, provoked by the campaigning actor's "repeated kisses on [Shilpa] Shetty's cheeks at an event to promote AIDS awareness in New Delhi" in April last year. The uninhibited Gere-on-Bollywood-Babe action was declared by some …
I do not think that phrase means what you think it means...
sutra -- a collection of rules or aphorisms
kama sutra -- a sutra about enjoying the world of the senses
karma sutra -- presumably a sutra about the sum total of the ethical consequences of a person's good or bad actions
I think Liam was referring to this place.
Yeah. Seen it. Get a guide and expect to spend several hours on a lesuirely stroll.
Maybe Ghandi did want it torn down. That ought to mark him as pretty tainted by the British. Remarkable. Even more remarkable is that the British didn't tear it down - made it "safe" yes, but left the carvings for all to enjoy. So what was Ghandi's point I wonder. I've wondered about the transition of Indian society from the one that made those carvings on that temple and the one we have today. The guide I had on my tour said that in those days the population was small and now it doesn't need any encouragement.
And more remarkable - this temple is 700 years old give or take, built of sandstone and practically on the eastern coast of India. I think it's remarkable that there's anything left to take offence to.
BTW - take dollars. Foreigners pay 250 rupees or 5 USD. 5USD is the cheaper option. And take a hat.
Last laugh to Shilpa? She got snogged by Gere, not Jade Goody.
Talking of whom, the Big Bruvver troll-ette is surely most risible repulsive rebarbative retard to ever grace public awareness? And yet we deride Paris Hilton who is a moral and intellectual giant in comparision (as well as not being fat and criminally pig-ugly).
Sorry, everyone - felt the need to share.