40G and 100G, not just for the telecom kids.
What's interesting here is in relatively short order, desktop motherboards will include 10GbE interfaces and server motherboards will probably have 40GbE.
Intel's Eaglelake chipset due out late this year will have 10GbE. I'm not sure if that is copper or optical, or both. 10GbE included in a stock system basically turns it into a very attractive box for adding to a cluster. Intel released a document showing what looked to be an arguement to somewhat skip 10GbE interfaces as this generations preferred jump, to go to 40GbE ASAP. The same paper said that 100GbE won't be affordable for the mainstream until 2015 or 2020.
That being said, I'd like to forward on the rumor of eventual low cost, off the shelf, mass-produced 32nm 100GbE interfaces in 2010-2010 via IBM's 32nm partnership program. IBM wants a low cost way to interconnect those massive arrays of POWER7 based systems. (just a prediction....)
... and rumor #2, 40GbE Sony PlayStation4 PS4 interconnects. 10GbE will probably suffice, but 40GbE will give it the extra kick for those 100,000 node clusters that the government needs to build SkyNet. At these speeds, PS4 clusters will behave like a big nasty IBM mainframe.
.. another prediction, by 2013 - real time high-def audio/video data is migrated from the HDCP ruined HDMI standard to 10GbE/40GbE home networks. Streamed with H.264 AVCHD, and made universal. Any display device anywhere can display AV from any other device anywhere in the home. PC's begin to virtualize their AV content into IP streams served by Teradici's PC-Over-IP technology. DisplayPort and HDMI begin to go the way of composite cables. :) (ok this one is just a big wish).