PS Back in '99
Back in '99 Sybex published a book "MP3 ! SE"
This book mentioned several dozen different brands on sale at publishing date
and quick reviews on the following
1/ Diamond Rio PMP500 street price USD$275 memory 64MB ram with a flash card 16/32MB extra
2/ Pine D'music maximum memory 64MB street price USD$175
3/ Audiovox MP1000 street price USD$150 max ram 64MB
MP2000/3000 start basic memory 64MB
4/ I-JAM (had FM radio too) 16MB memory street USD$225
5/Sharp MD-MT15(s) minidisc street price USD$225
needed "voquette minidisc net link hardware " to record though
6/ HanGo Personal Jukebox 5GB(IBM micro drive 1"?) storage on USB (in '99 desktop harddrives were 50GB in size on average) price on the street USD$799
7/ Sony VAIO Music Clip memory 64MB street price USD$299
(ATRAC3 format)
8/ Samsung Yepp base 32MB or 64MB plus 32MB flash card
street price latter USD$220
9/ eGo from flash card memory only 2 slots or 192MB or two microdrives 340MB each and sucks batteries drier then a thirsty vampire in double quick time ! Has car kit in base price .
10/ Palm-Size PC was also mp3 capable
option one Cassiopea E100/E105 mobile dock(WMA Format)
11/12 IBM Workpad Z50/ HP Journada were mp3 capable too
13/ Empeg Mark 1 din size FM stereo Linux on a strong ARM 220Mhz CPU 8MB ram and a computer hard drive offering 36GB of storage file transfer either slow serial or faster USB new improved Mark 2 due in 2000 (Mark 1 has four control buttons only )
Now that should revive some memories .