back to article World's greatest hardware guru turns flacktastic

Steve Milunovich - the world's greatest hardware guru - has given up on the guru business in favor of being a flack. Milunovich joined the Brunswick Group, becoming a partner at the "communications consultancy." The firm expressed excitement over Milunovich's investing and technology "expertise." Apparently, they missed his …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    What an Awful Web Site

    I'm dropping a dime on it.

    It's the Starter jacket with "WPTS" on it...

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    I might hire them

    If one day I lose all my rational thought processes.

  3. Chad H.


    I assume they're different from the bowling company?

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Brunswick Stew

    UK readers may not have heard of "brunswick stew", which James Beard refers to as "one of the most famous of American dishes." The star ingredient is squirrel--Beard says two or three.

    I'm not aware of any recipes with loon--it would likely taste fishy, don't you think?--but "squirrely" is not a term of flattery over here.

  5. Shaun Rolph

    "L'addition, s'il vous plait"

    Oh, Brunswick. That's not just PR, that's 'City' PR. The world of the Friday night drop - when men in velvet-collared overcoats dine financial journalists and put together the business pages of the Sundays.

    At the height of BA and Virgin's rivalry every weekend saw an exchange of hit pieces from the rivals' tame hacks. Brunswick represented BA.

    But, at least they had more success puffing BA than they did Railtrack. A 'client relationship' that ended in the nationalisation of the client and a total loss to its shareholders.

    The Loon is bringing his technology expertise to a team that already represents the European Information, Communications and Consumer Electronics Technology Industry Associations. Yes, 'that' EICTA .

    Home at last.

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