back to article MobiTV backs away from threats to website that posted links to free videos

A provider of TV shows for mobile phone users has backed down from threats to shut down a website forum that showed how to watch its videos for free. Lawyers for MobiTV had warned the owner of that he faced legal action if he didn't immediately remove plain-text links from the forum that gave free access to a …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    don't bother

    had a quick look, the quality is terrible.

    Ac as I don't want to be sued for libel/slander, even though truth is an acceptable defense for such.

  2. Henry Wertz Gold badge


    I was a little surprised by this.. howardfourms has rules against getting free VZ Navigator, and a wide variety of phone app loaders and the like. Clearly MobiTV has no actual security, which I think affords them no legal protection. But given talking about all sorts of other phone hacking is also legally protected but banned on the forums, I'm surprised that he didn't agree to just XXX out the URLs or something (especially given they did ask nicely before they pulled out the lawyers.)

    My guess? The other reason MobiTV calmed down was the "highers up" talked to some people in IT, and realized this could be fixed relatively quickly, i.e. it's not a "oh, the URL is out, we're doomed!" type situation. Rotating the stream URLS periodically alone would be easy and make it that much harder than just bookmarking the same URL for each channel.

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