BOFH: as ever the highlight of an otherwise boring Friday.
It's mid afternoon and the PFY and I are sneaking around the building in pursuit of the IT director because he's acting funny... [READER: DEGAUSS NOW FOR FLASHBACK REALISM!] ...10 minutes ago... "Right, so you just want this signed then?" the director asks, scribbling blindly at the bottom of the page. "Okay, now if you'll …
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"Paris, for bringing about a new breed."
Are you suggesting that I breed with that?! I may as well jump nude into a cess pool... and the video of such debauchery would undoubtedly end up on the internet. OTOH, if she were somehow to spawn my offspring I would have an in to the Hilton fortune.
Tempting... but I'll pass. :S
yes ok, its outdated... but I challenge Reg readers to find a replacement that works as well as that. ... oh the hours of fun we used to have with degauss back in the day...
"I need to use that computer for a minute"
"I'm busy working, come back later"
"Ah, but this one is broken, [click] see? you gonna fix it are you?"
"uhh... no, I'm too busy. I'll come back later, you fix it..."
ahh... memories...
Excellent story this week!
They really actually had such a thing at my last place of employment.
There were no fancy locking systems or anything. The danger for any pleb daring to use it was always in *exiting*; since, being a toilet door, there was no glass panel and thus no way to know who might greet you on your emergence.
Multiple resolution support, great colour rendition, fast response time, uniform colours from any angle (ok, perhaps not uniform colour rendition across the surface if the calibration is a bit off) and a CRT isn't actually less power efficient than a large-ish TFT.
CRT is pretty much dead - at least from the point of view of finding a large new one - but finding a TFT that has no dead pixels and has great colour rendition, good viewing angles, excellent response times, good black level, decent contrast, multiple inputs, a decent internal scaler, a scaler that will handle odd resolutions and negative sync, sync on green - well, it's still a bit of a minefield.
I'm waiting a couple of years before I splash out on a large TFT - my CRTs will last me till then. Who knows, maybe OLED will be a reality by then.
OMF runs just fine under OS/2, so there's no need to pollute your machine like that...
Love that soundtrack...
Almost as much as watching one of those blasted pyromaniac robots fly into the electric fence after I give it a few kicks with my Jaguar...
My Gravis Analog Pro is getting old. Anyone know of a good replacement that can be hacked to fit the left hand?
(I'm a size small/medium, though... )
It's a bit much using the word "breed" to describe the new pasty-faced model of admin. SInce they won't get the chance to breed.
The CRT is a solid indication of a REAL MANS computer doing REAL MANS work, swap it for a TFT and you may as well be some spotty nerd with NHS glasses on work experience.
P.H. Because oggeling her is the closest that type will get to breeding. EVER.
I've got a 24 inch wide screen CRT that I picked up for $200. It runs 2304x1440 resolution at 75Hz refresh. Plus its got the most amazing colors and clarity that I've ever seen.
Sure it weighs 40+ kg, but I've got a sturdy desk.
I'd honestly much rather have a CRT than an LCD, unless space was an issue. Last I checked a 21 inch CRT that will do 2048x1536 at 85Hz refresh was just about the same price as a cheap 24 inch LCD, which runs at lower specs and actually consumes just about the exact same amount of energy.
LCDs are toys for children. People that care about image quality will still go with the proven tech of a CRT. Unless you have a laptop, then you've just got to settle.
"Tempting... but I'll pass. :S" ..... By Nicholas Ettel Posted Friday 7th March 2008 14:20 GMT
Frightened of Failure, Nicholas, always Sorts the Men out from the Boys. Paris runs dDeep just in case you didn't know....after all, she is a Hilton and a Woman.
Shame that Mommy and Daddy don't Realise the Potential.
Our old exec toilet/restroom was used a lot by the night shift(y) managers for "meetings". One weekend we moved a PIR unit closer and drilled a small hole in the casing; a few weekends later we made a bogus exec memo about cameras and illegal toilet use; photocopied on the VP machine (telltail tipex marks on glass). Then left it in a unlocked department head's office overnight removing before Monday morning.
There was a few CV's being updated that week. :-P
CRT's are perfect, any good BOFH has at least three 24" widescreen Sony's on their desk, the reason is obvious:-
To support the weight of big CRT's you need a very strong desk.... Strong desks are heavy..... People don't like moving really heavy monitors and really heavy desks. Someone could get hurt ;-)
Choose your spot in the office and keep it when all around you is being moved for no particular reason or when a new IT Manager wants to 'shake things up a bit'.
I can squeeze a 1600x1200 resolution from it, (and always could, of course) since 1989, so why should I change? I won´t expend some thousand quid to buy a LCD that can do pretty much what this one can do already, but not running at 85Hz when running @ 1280x1024, at a near-zero latency.
Not to mention the previously stated fact that these babies claim for a sturdy desk, where you can shag the secretary without fear of collapsing the table. Or the fact that she weighs LESS than the aforementioned.
Or that you can still prove fit and young enough for your job if you can carry your own monitor without the aid of a trolley, and probably got stronger than many gym-goers due the fact that you have to carry 15 (I said FIFTEEN) of these up and down 12 flights of stairs every time a manager decided to redecorate the office (every 3 months, that is), because they won´t let you wait for the single building elevator, without calling you a slacker.
Or the skills you acquire with dangling and snag-tendencious VGA cables that come attached on them, that enable you to carry all remaining cables in a typical desktop configuration (including keyboard and mouse) around your neck, without ever tripping on them.
Thanks to degauss, I avoided sending 3 of these to repair, because the colors were all messed up, and nobody had a clue of what was wrong. The three stoges had fluorescent lamps on their desks, and never turned the monitors off.
BOFH still rocks!
For all those asking, there's a special way of degaussing LCDs. Now, some of the more expensive models have a degauss button, but with the normal ones, it's a bit trickier than that. You need to find a magnet roughly 1/10th the size of your monitor. Hence, if you have a 20 inch LCD, you need a 2 inch magnet and so on.
Now, ordinarily you'd need to put the magnet as close to the center of the monitor (while having the monitor and pc turned on, of course). However, this won't work in 2008 since it's a leap year. Leap years occur during years when the Earth's orbit around the Sun is a whole day longer. This causes the Earth's magnetic field to be a bit off, so unless you have a really strong magnet, you're going to need to give it a bit of help.
Nothing simpler thought. Just take a paperclip, straighten it, and if you can stick the paperclip into your computer's power supply JUST as you touch the magnet to the center of your LCD, BAM! Instant degauss.
Enjoy hours of wholesome fun.